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Wergeland's many sides

Henrik Wergeland started his writing career with anti-Semitic Jewish pieces. But he died as "Allah's sincere worshiper". Here are the jubilant's little-known pages.

Feminism's new spring

The Norwegian feminist movement is criticized for being distant, narrow-minded and inclusive. Are the Sex and Single Life Girls the Feminists of Our Time?

- Yes to district support, no to industrial agriculture

The Common Council for Africa's proposal on how Norway can help solve the global food crisis splits the Small Farmers' Union and the Bondelaget.

Imperialistic hip hop

Norwegian hip hop conveys imperialist undertones through the way they portray African women.

Leader: Towards one solution

60 years after Israel's creation, it is time for Einstein's, Gandhi's and Buber's thoughts: We need one state, not two.

In place in Kabul

Last week, the UN's new Afghanistan envoy, Kai Eide, met George W. Bush in the United States. Eide answers the Taliban and calls those in Norway who do not see progress as "blind".

A new threat situation

Today we celebrate the day of liberation. Then we should once again sit down and see what challenges we face.

Controversial sterilization

Norway has supported active sterilization of hundreds of thousands of Indians. Norad will
do nothing, but KrF and SV demand answers.

The dark history of Norway

Several million Indian women may have been pressured to sterilize themselves with Norwegian money. It reveals New Time in this week's issue.

Sixties without filter

1968 must be demythologized. It was in fact a terrible year.

Assistance goes to war

Western countries are increasingly spending their money on countries where they also fight. In a world where military invasion is renamed humanitarian intervention, where has the humanitarian space become?

Current: Audun Lysbakken

Audun Lysbakken will give SV a much needed vitamin injection during this weekend's World on the Left conference.

Intellectual revolution. Now!

We need to wreck the totalitarian thoughts of the 68 rebellion. But the need for a settlement with, and a rebellion against, today's adopted truths is at least as great as 40 years ago.


A friend of mine has a habit of saying; "I like to pay my taxes with pleasure, as long as the socialists pay it with money." The weekend's Right-wing National Assembly has been about taxes.

Russian junction

Professor Pål Kolstø is an insightful guide to the Russian Empire.

Items like movie stars

In several new films, laced reels and tough guys have been replaced with jeans, guns or coffee beans. These films should be watched by Jonas Gahr Støre and Terje Riis-Johansen.

The big we – democracy

NyTid pulls the threads from some of the UK's most important events: How the world and Norway are connected.

Fighting against the war

On Tuesday, there was once again a smooth race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Abrupt. That is how we can end the Iraq war more quickly.

Kabul's unknown hope

One month ago, the Norwegian diplomat Kai Eide traveled to Kabul as the UN's newly appointed special envoy. But Eide's abilities are assessed very differently in Norway and Afghanistan. In Norway, Kai Eide is hailed as Afghanistan's savior. But Ny Tid has spoken to the Taliban, who believe Eide is an "unopened watermelon". Afghan analysts call him a clear second choice.

Calling for global passwords

Has 1.mai become too narrow? Here are the suggestions for passwords that make the day more international.

A natural marriage

This week has shown that Norway is again dilating after South Africa and Catholic Spain. A common law of marriage for gays and heterosexuals is no longer radical.

The West's home-trash party

One evening, a man recently called home from China. He presented himself as a former right-hand man and, according to his speech, he had hardly refused to serve during the flight. It is far from China to Norway.

Hollywood cover versions

Hollywood is focusing on its own versions of Asian horrors. In the next few weeks, two of them will be at Norwegian cinemas.

The amateurs take the movie

Helga's movie premiere shows that the amateurs are getting too full on film and TV. Does the new technology make amateurs about to take over for Hollywood?

Africa conquers India

Like China, India is now being tempted to spend billions on IT, research and oil in Africa. After last week's summit, the world's balance of power is now at stake.