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Anders Dunk

Philosopher. Regular literary critic in Ny Tid. Translator.

To salvage what is salvaged can

TECHNOLOGY: Are artificial intelligence and drones good news for nature and the protection of the planet's ecosystems?

From eco-nightmares to historical relief

EARTH OF THE EARTH: In a groundbreaking new collective novel, we can read about how the climate crisis is escalating and a new ecological world order is emerging.

Pain culture and mental strategies

PAIN: As in the movie Joker, pain and insults can build up and become dangerous, explosive and ultimately murderous.

Time has changed direction and is now coming from the future

PHILOSOPHY: We are now in the violence of the future: the most important thing in life is increasingly something that has not happened yet. Philosophy must re-evaluate its old metaphysical categories.

Libidinous ecology

CRISIS Is nature in its essence erotic? And has capitalism – which will make us desire more of everything – overused our very capacity for desire?

China as the leader of an ecological civilization

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: The future of the world depends on China taking its environmental commitments seriously

“It would is not over. Long live what it would be! ”

NATURE: The attempt to control nature's wildness locally has created uncontrolled effects globally. Do we have to freeze and sweat more in the future, or is civilization far wilder?

The fires are natural for the landscape!

The ecology of the landscape: Who is responsible for the fires? With this year's forest fire season in California and Oregon, are we witnessing a new kind of "cultural disaster"?

Is it a pity for America?

Great power madness? America's shadowy sides have for many made fatal love and the relationship destructive. Bjørneboe's indignation towards America was of the solidarity type.