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Andrew P. Kroglund

Kroglund is a critic and writer. Also Secretary General of BKA (Grandparents' Climate Action).

About appreciating life

PHILOSOPHY: In this book, cosmic gratitude is related to the attitude of humility. Because we live in the age of the demanded, the scorned, the translated, the misunderstood, the violated and the oppressed.

Eternal recovery

ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHY: In this book, a collision between economics and ecology is suggested. According to Oksana Timofejeva, the use of solar energy must be different from the domination of the industrial paradigm.

Hanford: A Nuclear Graveyard

USA: Hanford is classified as one of America's most toxic sites. The author calls it a ticking bomb à la Chernobyl. This is the most expensive environmental remediation project the world has ever seen, and the most polluted place on the entire planet.

Warfare by many means

COMPETITION: The weapons are sanctions, subsidies, dumping, hostile takeovers and theft of industrial secrets. The goal is simple: to weaken a country's economy so that it cannot offer political, economic or military resistance.

A political manifesto

DIRECT DEMOCRACY: We need a new social system with commons and decline. And it is possible to achieve it. We have enough experience and knowledge from previous times. It's just a matter of getting started, writes Yavor Tarinski in a recent debate book.

To stop plastic waste

ECOLOGY: In the future, plastics will be the largest driver for continued oil demand – with almost half of global oil demand by 2050.

To stop plastic waste

ECOLOGY: In the future, plastics will be the largest driver for continued oil demand – with almost half of global oil demand by 2050.

The vitality of all things

MATERIALISM: It's about nature, ethics and influence – stem cell research, power outages, obesity epidemics and food policy.

Extreme weather, loss of topsoil, crops and possible resource disputes

CHRONICLE: The Storting election must be a climate election. How about allocating one extra percent of the national budget to climate measures in developing countries?