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Iril Kolle

Freelance journalist, translator and graphic designer.

Global cooling alarmism

COLD TIMES: Forget global warming. CO2 does not affect the temperature of the Earth. Around 2030, on the contrary, with reduced solar activity, it may get colder.

With the people as the client

SNOWDEN: A spy, traitor or patriot? The answer depends on who you ask.

Chernobyl victims

NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: While scientists are arguing over whether Chernobyl is the cause of malformations and cancer, photographer Gerd Ludwig is working diligently to document the victims of the world's largest nuclear accident.

Cheating and deception on Instagram

FALSE FOLLOWERS: Everyone is fooling everyone on Instagram. Phenomena such as false followers and false comments are an essential part of an ever-growing black economy. No one knows what is real.

A star that's hard to like

Sonja – The White Swan is the movie about the greatest art runner of all time who goes to Hollywood to become a movie star.