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Kjetil Røed

Freelance writer.

Civilization and barbarism

Courtesy, eloquence and kindness even towards a man who was willing to take hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. This is how Raoul saved Nordling Paris from annihilation during the war.

Doctrine of civil disobedience

How to resist a corrupt state today.

Doctrine of civil disobedience

How to resist a corrupt state today.

They forced revenge

It follows becomes extra creepy because it touches on deeper issues than the genre usually does.

They forced revenge

It follows becomes extra creepy because it touches on deeper issues than the genre usually does.

The silent speech

The tribe is an effective exercise in empathy and the ability to see reality from an angle that is not yours.

The silent speech

The tribe is an effective exercise in empathy and the ability to see reality from an angle that is not yours.

Our digital role-playing game

We need privacy in order to retain the ability to think, says neurologist and author Susan Greenfield.

The culprits of faith

Over the story of the deeply religious Mary hovers a most vivid fundamentalist ghost.