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Signs of the Media Times – interview with Truls Lie

INTERVIEW: MODERN TIMES's editor Truls Lie interviewed by Forum Borealis on several topics.

Bjørneboe celebration with film and debate

JUBILEE Join the debate after the documentary The problem of evil, and see the celebration that took place at Røverstaden about Bjørneboe's life and life's work.

Oslo – a gold-edged agreement for Israel

Because of the Oslo Accords, Israel has experienced an adventurous economic growth – at the expense of the Palestinians. Extensive corruption was also the sad result of the Oslo process.

Blow at Christmas!


Syrian echoes at the arrival of the Yellow West

Popular revolt is at its core the same, be it in Syria or France, writes a group of revolutionary exiles.

The Houses We Were – movie of the month

Watch the movie here: Password: askforthemoon

The Raft – movie of the month

Watch the movie The Raft here: Password: rocktheboat

Becoming animal – movie of the month

Watch the movie Becoming animal here. Password: MAXimage

MODERN TIMES: Journalist seeks truth

September 11st: What happened to the Norwegian public when MODERN TIMES wrote about 9/11? See the debate that followed.