PROSPERITY: Is there even a way back to our society as it was before? According to Stephan Lessenich, capitalism and prosperity in the West is a result of the exploitation of colonized peoples. But according to him, to abolish capitalism would be to abolish our democracy at the same time.
PENSIONERS: More of us are getting older, and there are fewer people to take care of them. In Norway, there are now over one million old-age pensioners. And what happens when the caring roles are reversed?
PSYCHOLOGY: Love is not a project of isolation, but a project of freedom, according to Seyda Kurt: The freedom to be able to choose for oneself is about radical tenderness, about justice.
WOMEN: Over the course of ten years, Cesilie Tanderø has traveled to Venice, Rome and Sicily. There will be three books of this. We mention here some selected women from the first city.
In Radikalisierter Konservatismus ("radicalized conservatism") by the Austrian political scientist and journalist Natascha Strobl, we get a well-written analysis of how conservatism can become radicalized. Last year, the book was awarded the prestigious Austrian Bruno Kreisky Prize for...