Bilderberg under the cover of Watergate

POWER / Millions of people's lives are affected by what is cooked up in such a nest of robbers as the Bilderberg League – but nothing comes out about the decisions. Just a summary: "The energy crisis and security issues were the most important topics of conversation" – people don't need to know more.


By Sara Lidman

The world's richest men, led by Prince Bernhard, met at one of the Wallenberg's hotels and had as good a time as when they met a few years ago at one of Bernhard's hotels, the Bilderberg. The lords would have liked to have invited some of those who had created the hotels and the billions 'and we understand that they are upset when they are not allowed to join – but you can't invite everyone', as the joking prince put it.

The security issues

Millions of people's lives are affected by what is cooked up in such a nest of robbers, but nothing comes out about the decisions. Just a summary: "The energy crisis and security issues were the most important topics of conversation" – people don't need to know more. They don't even need to be defined what the 'security issues' are. Security for the multinational companies includes:

Cataloging of the left-wing elements – reinforcement of the police

Placement of (suspected) oppositionists in concentration camps

Bombing of populated areas in e.g. Angola, Vietnam , Cambodia.

All these are almost private concerns for people like Prince Bernhard, Rockefeller and Wallenberg. The public should not get involved in their problem solutions – in due time it will learn what the case is about when the electronic barbed wire is installed, when the German Shepherd's teeth are in the throat, when the pacifying bombs start to fall.

And the energy crisis

The newspapers spend many column meters on the Arab countries raising oil prices. But gives only small reports of oil off the coast of Vietnam. As Dagens Nyheter's trade page with this notice on 11 May 1973: "26 of the world's largest oil companies, including Shell, Esso and Mobil, will start looking for oil off Vietnam's coast.

They have been selected by the Saigon government from among 36 companies to be able to exploit the oil reserves quickly, according to the AP news agency, it was the UN that first began looking for oil off the coast of Indochina in 1967. Two years later – when the geologists stated that the chances of finding oil were good – private companies took over the continued exploration".

"… the country's post-war economy ..." – and that was supposed to be an exclusive concern of government circles in Saigon? Thieu in Saigon does not only have the help of the oil companies in presenting himself as the sole ruler of southern Vietnam. He also has the mass media in the West.


Chapter IV, Article 12 of the Paris Agreement states: 'Immediately after the cessation of fire, the two South Vietnamese parties shall hold negotiations ... to form a National Council for National Reconciliation and Accord which shall consist of three equal powers'.

Instead of agreeing to form this National Council which would prepare elections throughout South Vietnam, and instead of allowing freedom of speech and assembly and other rights as stipulated in the Paris Agreement, and instead of allowing all refugees to return to their hometowns – Saigon drafts a decree regarding persons 'disturbing public order', a decree which effectively enables the junta to imprison anyone who claims the validity of the Paris Agreement.

We reproduce the decree in translation from French (published in Le Monde on May 17).

The official telegram No. 497 from the Ministry of the Interior on 29 March 1973.

Regarding persons who disturb the general peace and order: In addition to assigning a place of residence, one can also always implement concentration measures in accordance with decree no. 020 – TT/SLU of 25 November 1972 if one does not have the opportunity to present them for a military court.

The National Security Council should be convened to make decisions when individuals are to be concentrated, and their personal details should be sent to the Ministry of the Interior as before.

In order to carry out this order carefully, the National Security Council is requested to:

To increase one's efforts to neutralize individuals who disturb the general peace and order, so that one can have real-
achieved the goals set out in the program 'protection of the population', published in the appeal sent out on 3 April 1973. (NOTE: the term neutralize has become a euphemism for 'kill' in the Saigon junta's parlance. SL's note).

To be in close contact with the local security councils so that at the shortest possible notice they could arrange a trial before a military court, make decisions about whereabouts, or concentrate those elements who have been arrested for having disturbed the general peace and order... End.

By order of the National Police Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary-General of the National Council for Operation Fenix, the Chief of Cabinet, Colonel Nguyen Van Giao.

Just a few months after the signing of the Geneva Agreement in July 1954, the United States, with the help of the Diem brothers, established a police state in South Vietnam, where the pursuit of those who fought against the French was given the highest priority. It was sufficient to mention the Geneva Accords and the promise of elections to be imprisoned as 'Viet Cong'. Today, the situation is much the same. The US breaks the agreement at all crucial points with Thieu's help. Should the outside world be as helpless and indifferent as in 1954?

Thieu secures – neutralizes – kills those who claim that Vietnam's natural resources belong to the people of Vietnam.

Now 'the whole world was shaken by Watergate' it says. But the terrible crime that the United States is committing against Vietnam – and all of Indochina – does it not shake the world? Because now look at the 26 oil companies that are seeking a solution to their energy crisis in Vietnam's waters. Thieu invites. Thieu secures – neutralizes – kills those who claim that Vietnam's natural resources belong to the people of Vietnam. Nixon is a pretty big criminal, and Thieu is a somewhat minor thief. But what should one call the Bilderberg League, these irreplaceable highnesses who in the last resort install the presidents. These slave hunters at cocktail parties who talk so abstractly about the 'energy crisis and security while Pola Condor, the island surrounded by oil fields, is filled with prisoners. It is because of Shell Prince Bernhard that the torture continues there.

Watergate can be used for many things. It is already suggested that America's real, final greatness is now imminent through the bath of purification, the painful – but wholesome self-examination, etc. that Watergate provides. And hasn't the American humor got something to bite into, which hasn't had any good topics for a long time.

As long as this charade continues, no one will ask what the Bilderberg League is talking about.

But above all, Watergate is the suitably unpleasant scandal that can be inflated to the worst thing that has happened to America, i.e. 'the world'. One might have to sacrifice Nixon over there! (as if a thousand of his caliber could not be stamped out overnight).

Every other day we are told to hold our breath and sigh with relief. And as long as this charade continues, no one will ask what the Bilderberg League is talking about – and what it is carrying out in Vietnam, Cambodia, in South Africa, in Brazil. This year and in the years to come. It's not scandalous. It's just the usual old genocides. We shouldn't get used to them.

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