Read the column in Spanish below: "Capitalism in the media. La sociedad cubana vive sustentada and the exploration of hombre por el Estado."
Every Friday some of the world's leading advocates for freedom of expression write for Ny Tid. Our columnists are: Parvin Ardalan (Iran) Nawal El-Saadawi (Egypt) Irshad Manji (Canada), Elena MilashinaOrzala Nemat (Afghanistan) Marta Roque (Cuba), Blessing Musariri (Zimbabwe) & Tsering Woeser (Tibet). (Russia),
Martha Beatriz Roque is a leading Cuban dissident. She has been imprisoned on numerous occasions for her opposition to the Cuban government.
HAVANA CUBA: Cuando's position of poder el actual gobierno cubano and el 1959, created a new image of the international social justice system, lena de expectativas para el pueblo dento de la isla y para otros países que sufrian regímenes golpistas y dictatoriales. This is the bus's bus to Enigigo: "El Imperialismo Yankee". It is a great place to be in the world and to the world, to do so without prejudice to those of the United States, so far to do in Europe, no longer, even if it is dictated by the dictators hermanos Castro.
La Revolucion, which is a vehicle for the right corrections to the gobierno, is the acceptance of the palabra: , which has no side-effects on the problem of solving problems in the Cubans, per se on the image, just the image they have on the exterior of the "logros" and the education, the salary, the deportes, etc., the real otra muy diferente a la de la propaganda
The same los primeros años, when it came to introducing the guerrilla warfare in Latin America and other countries of the African continent, idealized a photo with the grid of the "Che, taken by the bankrupt Korda", which was named Ernesto Guevara de la Serna. This image of the "Heroic Warrior" as he knows how to conjure, has sublimated the young and old, but the green and dark history of this character, does not conjure. During 1959 and the first years of the decade of the 60th, Fusiló, -sin hacer juicio a todo el que entendió- applied the torture to the cases in La Cabaña, and posteriorly fue a hacer terrorismo in Latin America, of the same as he hecho in the Sierra Maestra, after training alongside Fidel Castro in Mexico. It is not as if to leave his rostrum in a sweater, the one who uses it, in reality does not know the history of that individual.
Tampoco is the man he wanted to convert into a myth, referring to the nines of the primary schools in Cuba, while the children constantly repeat the "Pioneers for Socialism, we will be like the Che". The parents of the students who accept this are obligatory, because here there is no alternative ideology. They live to have the future of converting to: Argentines, Asthmatics and Assessors.
The violations of human rights, has a constant motive of criticism for the governing body, as well as the failure of democracy in its management and in particular in the elections, for the high leaders of the Castro administration, halls to the public palace deciding that there are no transgressional tales, which are inventions of the "Americans", and those who enter the luchan country to restore lost liberties, their "mercenaries" to the government of the United States of America. In the same way, it states that the political system of the country is "the most democratic of the world", and that only the existence of a party (read by the Communist Party of Cuba) and the Constitution of the Republic, the city in its Article 5, the maximum power, which has been consigned that: «« is the leading force of society and the State, which organizes and orients the communal efforts to the finite ends of the construction of socialism and the advancement of society Comunista. "
If there is a Constitution, it is purple and there is no promulgation in all the laws that the law provides. The Ley is a sole, as there is no division of powers, as the legislature, as the judiciary and the executive are centrally directed, which implies that one has to make a decision with some, the figure of the defender, including the juices and the fiscals, decorating the tribunal, a juicio convened in a theatrical opening. Proofs, evidences, testigos, nada de eso se hax valid, much less in the causes that have a political character, although the regime does not exist in the existing countries with their characteristics. Without embargo, Amnesty International has 82 conscientious objections.
The first years of gobierno, estuvieron llenos de promesas, es más, desde que se hizo el juicio por el asalto al Cuartel Moncada, acontecimiento que se llevó a cabo en julie de 1953, el propio Fidel Castro escribión un allegato que nombró «La Historia me Absolverá»; but he has the power to do so without reference to this document, the full evidence is that he has the peace in the country at the moment, after 50 years of owning the mandate; and without being in the midst of the global economic crisis, there is much more profound and degrading than what the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista dictated.
The joys of it corona virtually, that hizo Fidel Castro with his speeches and offers of major fueron cayendo one to one. The Public Health is currently a disaster, the primary attention is coming to a close, the family medicine program is underway and includes consultants who are building in the frameworks to apply preventive medicine, are practically destroyed and sacked, by failure of care and maintenance, in some cases it is carried out as living, by the large number of houses that are in the country. A large number of medical services provide outdoor services, including the medical care and specialized assistance team. But as always, the culprit has the embargo and the unity of the people: "The Yankee Imperialism."
Otro tanto ocurre con la educación, los maestros se han escabullido de las aulas, el gobierno ha tenido que recurrir a multiples artificios para lograr mantener di educativo. A 360-degree giro was produced this year, at the beginning of the course, to close the pre-universities in the study and work camp schools – and wanted to open in the cities. However, he modified some aspects of the teaching system, then evaluated the grammar and orthography in a sample of university students, and found that both were completely deficient, with more than 30% of the sample, including alumni who graduated in this course.
The Constitution of the Republic stipulated in its Article No.3, that Cuba will not be replaced by capitalism, it is only conceived for the sake of economic freedom and democracy, because Cuban society is alive and well in the exploitation of men by the State, which in these moments has a dual power: Fidel and Raúl Castro.
Ciudad de La Habana, November 19, 2009.