[22. September 2006] Helga's election result in Sweden was as appalling to Swedish social democrats as the car bombs that went off in Gothenburg on Tuesday and Wednesday. But when Göran Persson was to comment on the Social Democrats' worst election result in modern times, he failed to hide the pleasure of retiring and spending lazy days at the lodge. With that attitude, it is obvious that he should have done just that a long time ago. But voters may not have chosen differently. Because as many of them have said to the media: They wanted to try something new now.
Namely, the choice of the moderates was made on the "Sosseren" premise. For three years, Fredrik Reinfeldt has led the party into government offices, not by convincing voters that "another world is possible", but by reassuring them that "most things will be better, just better." When Sweden's bourgeois meet, it happens in the center. Unemployment, security and welfare were the issues they chose. The new government's platform is based on preserving and strengthening the basic welfare benefits of the people. This shows that Swedish bourgeois have understood that Scandinavian citizens are in no way eager to let go of the "Nordic model", the welfare state of social democracy. The Moderates have beaten the Social Democrats on their home ground. Former Right-wing leader Jan Pettersen took the trip east over the election weekend, to see and learn.
Norwegian commentators have predicted a more difficult job for Norwegian electoral cooperation on the bourgeois side. The rationale lies in the fact that the Right cannot move as easily as the Moderates to the center, because they have the large Progress Party to take into account on the right side of themselves. In fact, we believe that Frp has already broken this code. That is why they have long been left to the protection of important welfare goods.
The Consumer Party has positioned to the right of the Right in economic policy, they stand to the left of the Labor Party in welfare policy and at the same time appear more Israel-friendly than the KrF. They give the people what they want. And the People, it actually wants welfare. Now it remains to be seen what Jan Pettersen learned on his visit to the Swedish election night. And how Martin Kolberg incorporates this in his battle plan against the Frp code.