Two thousand years ago it lived in Palestine a rabbi and carpenter named Joshua, who had come from heaven to earth to save the world. Which world? The world is of course our world, it is us. Well, the world adopted Joshua and became Christian, that is, it adopted Christianity as its official religion.
This was the first world
Since then we "discovered" the other world. Because it had not been discovered before, at least not by anyone other than those who lived there, and they naturally could not discover it themselves. Only the whites can "discover". And step by step we discovered more and more new areas, finally we even discovered the third world.
Both in the second and third world there was much to be had, both in terms of labor and in gold, silver and precious stones. When we had discovered all this, we settled in a land flowing with milk and honey, and there we stayed until there was not much left to send home. But before it got that far, some of the lands' rightful owners had grown tired of being the object of the looting and therefore tried to drive the guests out of the areas. But it didn't go well, because then the whites had to punish them for "rebellion". The "natives" actually did rebellion if they tried to expel Gentlemena. But it wasn't easy.
For the lords not only had the world's best weapons, they also had the world's best religion – moreover, the lords were legally and legally the new owner of the land, so that all attempts to get rid of the invaders were de facto illegal and criminal acts. There were "deceitful" ambushes on the whites and their self-described right to do whatever they wanted at the expense of others. Moreover, the "natives" were "lazy", and they did not like working for twelve cents a day. They bowed only to force of arms, that was the only thing they understood. And the one who has the best weapons is right and therefore also has God on his side.
It is therefore also obvious that the one who has progressed the furthest purely in terms of weapons technology also has the right God and the right religion. The white colonizers had the only true faith.
This is as obvious as the natural right of the colonizers to take over the occupied areas and christen them the "Belgian" Congo, the "French" Congo, etc. – as obvious as the "rights" of the whites when it came to the material plundering of occupied areas.
"The Third World"
One should note the wording: "The third world". It is to "discover" a country that has been inhabited by people for millennia, you "had to send a punitive expedition", that it is "rebellion" to want to chase the burglars at the door, and that you are "lazy" if you don't like to work without pay for the prosperity of their occupants.
One would think that with an expression like "the third world", the peak of arrogance and haughtiness would have been reached, – especially when by this you mean countries that produced world-historical highlights of culture a thousand years before the Europeans had crawled down from the trees. But no, our self-awareness is not satisfied with the temporal and the earthly, – we must also carry eternity with us, even beyond we will stand in a special position: Our religion is the best and most correct, i.e. the only correct one. For was it not founded by a man who already 2000 years ago saved the world, and charged us to make all peoples his disciples?
Can one imagine greater arrogance than the belief that of all religions ours is the only right one? That only us whites own the truth? So it is this European truth that we celebrate.