Orientering June 15 1968
Today – three years after the last parliamentary election – the bourgeois government has manifested itself as Norway's biggest political scandal after Quisling. In fact, the election was largely won on three promises: Lower taxes, liquidation of housing benefits and (and this sounds incomprehensible in all countries that are not as technically underdeveloped as Norway) the elimination of telephone shortages. Three years later, tax cuts have been achieved for the highest income groups, the telephone shortage is as it has been before, and housing needs are more devastating and more scary than ever before. The country is a haven for residential speculators. Never before has a Norwegian government so clearly revealed that the parties went to elections on promises they themselves knew were completely unsustainable.

NTB archive photo / Scanpix
Worse than this is the government's total colorlessness, its composition of political insignificance. It is, to quote Georg Johannesen, "not a government, but a rule of government". The term is utterly eerie. This bundle of casual and personality-exposed municipal politicians assembled into a "bourgeois government" is as gray and mournful as the leadership of an abstinence association. The only exception in the government is the right of Foreign Minister John Lyng – who is then also called to think of none other than Erling Falk in the most revolutionary group in the Nordic region: Against Dag.
For my sake he can often go to altars with the family's old cat.
By the way, the "bourgeois government" has simply disappeared into the landscape – it is invisible. The whole story is so embarrassing that you no longer talk about the government. Even communists and far-flung socialists can no longer mention it: it is after all our country, and since every country gets the government it deserves, it is we ourselves who are to blame for the family scandal. Alas, it is not a government, but simply a national ill-treatment. And one does not talk highly about self-inflicted diseases. At least in a country with such authoritarian national characteristics as Norway.
Instead, speak one about something completely different. During the winter's endless and mournful, dark months, people and the press have been in a drug spasm of Olympic gold medals and world championships. Now it's over. The snow has melted.
Then came the mesmerizing, all-encompassing world event: A prince of the Oldenborg tribe commits himself to a maid from the Manufacturing Merchant Pool. His sisters have previously shown a parallel interest in manufacturing dealers and ship owners. And that's fine. The bourgeois press is meeting for a long time. The weekly photo magazines look to the future with confidence. The world exists. The world will continue to exist.
The people – it will say the voters, the self-determination, voting (!) Norwegian people buy giant editions, they stare at pictures of lace and uniforms, they buy more conservative magazines, stare at new pictures of more lace and more uniforms – they look in the air and then they buy another pile of leaves. – Those are deep thoughts.
You can learn something from that. You can learn what the voters are really interested in. You can learn what indescribable political unconsciousness "the people" live in. And you can learn why the Labor Party lost the last election: They have neglected the cultural, political and spiritual schooling work, which is the prerequisite for making people think before they are let loose on the ballot boxes.
Of course, it is completely irrelevant who Crown Prince Harald marries. For my sake, he can go to the altar with the family's old cat. He can marry Hedda Gabler or the bull Ferdinand, if he wants to. There is no problem. What is a problem is that an enlightened people with a minimum of seven years of schooling – a people who can demonstrably read and write – actually take an interest in such a thing.
After the royal-bourgeois The engagement is probably coming soon to the royal-bourgeois wedding. It will fade everything. Already during the engagement, the press and television abolished the rest of the world: the country lived without the Vietnam War, without gold wars and gold medals. Everyone was happy and the dark blue, extremely reactionary World Gang was able to publish ten pages of extra material on the world event, as well as interviews with the clergy, cops and actors, all of whom were personally happy over Sonja Haraldsen's entrance. All of the nation's Sonja's will start a nationwide fundraising event to become a gift to Sonja the Blessed. Yes, that's true!
Of course, the monarchy a past life. It is without the slightest significance, and members of the royal house are used only to cut silk ribbons at trade fairs. Moreover, the members of the Norwegian royal house are definitely kind, sympathetic people. It sounds harmless.
But a look at the conservative day and week press in Norway shows something completely different. It shows that the entire hallelujah is deliberately exploited as a sedative in the political struggle, as a piece in a veiled, un-fair, bourgeois-political game. The kingdom represents the "enduring" values (the dominion of businessmen) and contributes to the general lethargy, which is the prerequisite for human voting.
In reality, then, one is faced with the monarchy as a reactionary party political tool, as a gigantic election poster for the Conservative Party.
It goes without saying that the word "republic" is again applicable in Norway!
The column with important and still telling texts from the time of Ny Tids Orientering (1953-1975) edited by Line Fausko.
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