The helpful robots of the future will give you a brainstorm

Talking to Robots – A Brief Guide to Our Human-Robot Futures
Forfatter: David Ewing Duncan
Forlag: Robinson (Storbritannia)
ROBOTS / We can look forward to both brainstem and elimination of neurological diseases in a robot-assisted future.


"Imagine a world where just having your own bare brain to deal with new technology is a laid-back stage," the award-winning journalist writes David Ewing Duncan.

Well, I never actually thought in those paths, never worried about the development of my own naked brain. Firstly, the brain is relatively well protected in the skull, and secondly, I have both my body and my soul to worry about, and they occupy me more, to be honest. But the fact that the brain is hidden in the skull is of course part of the problem: that is why it is so difficult to change.

As a result, I am intrigued when the author writes about how future brain robots will be able to optimize my brain using daily cognitive brain gymnastics in Neuroscape's virtual brain gym.

A world where no one needs to suffer from depression or other neurological diseases such as ADHD or OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is surely a fine world. No one needs to use medication to keep illnesses at bay, for example it can be done through neurological play, which helps your brain repair itself.

Healthy without medicine

Imagine that children with ADHD can recover without the use of dangerous drugs, a world where you do not have to go to a psychologist if you are depressed, since the brain scanner attached to your brain via your brain robot is already aware of how you are doing. , and has started one brain massage before waking up in the morning.

You have to believe A Brief Guide to Our Human-Robot Futures, there is no need to worry about human development, that is, the development of what makes us specifically human, namely the ability for playfulness, spontaneity and curiosity. It will be taken care of by the technology, which will help man through all his emotional and cognitive problems and crises.

A world where no one needs to suffer from depression or other neurological diseases
like ADHD or OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), is surely a fine world.

David Ewing Duncan has written in his carefree and nerdy way a fun and entertaining book full of curiosity about the future.

The book offers a full 24 possible scenarios for the future. The author has interviewed a number of experts in various disciplines, and it is these discussions that form the basis of each chapter. What makes this book so good is that it is curious and playful, though many of the possible alternatives it presents seem rather crazy from a current perspective. Imagine when the "God robot" arrives the future and introduces a fourth dimension, so that everything happens at the same time, and not chronologically, as we are used to, so that we can experience both the beginning and the end of the universe at once? And everything that happens between in a space continuum? Here, it helps to be able to do some quantum physics.

Ill .: Jonny Lindner, pixabay
Ill .: Jonny Lindner, pixabay


In some of the chapters, I am filled with hope for the future and think that technology can really develop our spontaneity and playfulness. In other chapters, I get worried about the future's lack of spontaneity, when robots tell us in advance – based on all the information they have about us – what to eat, do and not least imagine.

The way the book is written is nonetheless entertaining: it is written from the future, but sweeps back to our own time, where we can follow the evolution of, for example, the memory robot or Facebook's algorithms. We also meet many famous names from our own time, such as engineers, futurists, philosophers and artists, who share their visions, fears and hopes with us.

We meet 24 different robot types, among others the snake robot, the warrior robot, the god robot, the sex robot, the brain optimization robot, the driving robot and the medical robot.

One of the most festive chapters in the book is called "Wearable Bot". A "wearable bot" is not a robot in the ordinary sense, for it has neither head nor arms nor legs, but is simply a kind of vest we can put on. It "speaks" to us by sensing our physical and mental energy fields, and it amplifies energy waves from everything around us, such as the energy fields of plants and animals. It pulsates electromagnetic energy, and gives the wearer the sense of sensation we cannot capture ourselves. You could call it a "hypersensitivity robot".

For example, imagine that the vest allows you to sense a single drop falling from a leaf several miles away, or amplify the whisper of a human being who defames you on the other side of the office landscape. The sensory experiences will necessarily have to be violent, so violent that they will shake and confuse us, but of course the algorithms will help us to sort and master them. If everyone wears such a robotic vest, it will probably make the world a pretty complicated place. Maybe we get robotic vest-free cafes?

Risk Analysis

How about taking chances? The author writes: "No one in the future will dare to take a single chance without consulting 'Risk-free-bot'. It is a powerful KI-quasi-fractal-quantum-network-robot that can analyze the risk of any activity you intend to perform. It can look a bit like robots that are unbeatable today in chess and other games, except that it controls your brain and emotions.

Want to parachute? Then the robot can shout: "Don't do it! You risk breaking your neck! ”Maybe it will howl and blink with all its warnings if you eat too high-calorie foods, and remind you that you will end up in a hospital with a heart attack within ten years if you continue with it, or the will try to prevent you from kissing a woman who has dangerous bacteria in the oral cavity?

An algorithmic future without freedom? In a way, we're already there. The algorithms are the new god, and our freedom is at stake in a world where our emotions and thoughts are greatly influenced by Google and Facebook.

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