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What about the people?

GRASS ROOT / When the policy fails, who should take responsibility?


It is not the idealists who save the world, because here is the language of power that applies, I read a few years ago and nodded to myself. When it comes to power, we often think of government power, military power and may have media power. But what about the public power now that the globe has an urgent need for life saving?

The word tittytainment (titty: puppy and tainment: entertainment) was conceived in 1995 at the Fairmont Hotel in California. There Bill Gates, Gorbachev, Bush, Thatcher and others met. How could the mob, that is, us, be distracted and not prevent free-market capitalism, boundless competition, the abolition of state control and other ordinances whose sole purpose was to make the rich richer? The project seems successful. The differences between few with lots and more with little grows tremendously. Democratic governance has not prevented the development, no, on the contrary, nicely facilitated it. The government is weakening in a third of the world, ABC News 1 reported. March this year. Freedom of the press, freedom of speech and the rule of law are undermined by democracies that drive themselves to court.


Over the course of a few decades, dominant Western leaders have proven to be disastrous. The latest report from the UN Nature Panel triggers another alarm: The dangerous degradation of nature is unparalleled in history. Mankind is about to mass kill species – including ourselves – with eyes open in full unconsciousness, and at an accelerating pace. The panel now urgently needs to make fundamental changes to the entire system in terms of technology, economy and social factors. There are still insufficient environmental pressures, including military ones. This has prevented the United States, the world's largest arms manufacturer and armed forces.

What about the public power now that the globe needs life saving?

"Too many people have left too much scouring for too long," said philosopher and professor emeritus Jon Hellesnes in a lecture on defense and security at the Literature House last year, adding: "Norwegian government is like Gudbrand in Lia and the people like his wife." politicians have chosen the side in the dangerous power play of the US and also sold out our self-righteousness at a mock price. Huge resources are earmarked for intelligence and upgrading rather than safeguarding everyone's life. The world-renowned professor, political writer and activist Noam Chomsky claims that we suffer from historical blindness. The book Hegemony or survival deals with the United States' pursuit of global domination and their aggressive and criminal behavior.


The US administration is demonstrably capable of serving all kinds of lies. Therefore, when a new enemy is launched, the claim should be verified in every nail and not swallowed raw. The United States does not tolerate equals, competitors or sticks in the wheels, only a permanent position as the world's overall power – military and economic. An increasingly dictatorial America is immune to scrutiny and prosecution, regardless of the nature of the crime. Such executive power is the basis of a totalitarian system of government, whether it is called Nazi, Communist or Capitalist according to Chomsky. Why is the sight blinded every time Americans paint someone with enemy colors? Fear and defense make the world unstable and unsafe at a time when collaboration is required. The propaganda apparatus works perfectly for the power-mad, who want to destroy, not protect the world.

In addition to state governance systems, the people are a real power factor. Large crowds can threaten, hinder, make demands and crush powerful wills. No revolution has so far made the world a better place, but there are examples of popular movements pushing for change for the better. When politics fails, who will take responsibility? Today, young people have risen and are demanding climate rescue. This is everyone's main issue, whether we like it or not. "Rebellion against Extermination" is a new global movement that was featured in the May issue of New Times.

The only question is: How can we detach ourselves from time-consuming toys and busy lives and form popular countermeasures by non-violent means? Are we able to gather all good powers, stake out a common direction and demand political action?
Svare is a member of Grandmothers for Peace.

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