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What is the direction of the UN with the world's richest multinational companies as partners?

Covid 19: The Great Reset
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM / The book Covid-19: The Great Reset is about a transformation of a social structure where the nation state is out, and global governance is in.


Klaus Schwab, who is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, had a comprehensive book script ready already three months after the world closed in March 2020. Together with co-author Thiery Malleret he sees the pandemic as an opportunity for change. 83-year-old Schwab, who has influence over both politicians and business leaders, has led the global think tank for over 50 years World Economic Forum (WEF), which has about 1000 of the world's largest multinational companies as partners. In addition, Schwab trains world leaders. As the title The great reset indicates, it is a «zero position» with covid-19 as catalyst. Then a "new normal", also called "Build Back Better". Heads of state worldwide, including Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Erna Solberg, uses this expression. What is new to be built? In the book, the salutations come in a row. 2030 Agenda, similarity, green shift. But what does it really mean?

Automation and monitoring

Klaus Schwab is a big supporter of digitization, surveillance and artificial intelligence in all areas. IN Covid-19: The Great Reset he states that 86 percent of the restaurant jobs can be automated by the year 2035. In the retail trade, he claims that 75 percent can be automated, and in the culture / entertainment industry, he believes the automation will reach 59 percent.

Schwab further states that social and physical distancing will continue even after the pandemic itself. Due to hygiene and fear of infection and outbreaks of covid-19 or another virus, the pace of automation will accelerate. To prevent people from getting close to each other, is surveillancetechnology already introduced on jobs among other things in India. It is promoted as positive innovative technology on WEF's website – where it also says that 85 million jobs will disappear.


One may ask FN still what we learned about in school after that World Economic Forum June 13, 2019 entered into a partnership agreement with the organization? For the world's largest multinational companies, it is of course a stroke of genius to get inside the UN, a world organization that also has great influence over the 193 member countries. With pandemic we have seen how the decision-making line has gone from the WHO (UN "Ministry of Health") to the various countries. For example, the TISK strategy. Schwab does not want to return to what he calls "the old norm", but says the big companies are the key to getting out of the pandemic. He is in favor of public-private partnerships (PPPs), as there have been more and more in recent years. This means that large companies enter into a partnership with a public institution such as the UN. But what does that do to democracy? For example, the Labor Party says in its program: "We want international initiatives and decisions to be increasingly made through the UN." Where is the discussion about which direction the UN is going, with the world's richest multinational companies as partners?

"World corporations are key to getting out of the pandemic."

In the book, Schwab uses the term "stakeholder capitalism" – in the sense that the multinational companies take social responsibility and get involved at all levels. But will the business actors involved in public-private companies first and foremost take care of the citizens of the world, or will they have other goals? Will multinational companies within Big Tech and Big Pharma in collaboration with the UN could influence decisions in different areas? From health and education to food production, environment and media? Will more global governance mean shifting power from elected representatives and sovereign states to a global business leadership – as a top-down elite of the UN / World Economic Forum? How will the man and woman from Senja or Maputo manage to influence their own everyday lives in such an unpopular global system?

Some are like…

In addition to the emission-free society, another of Schwab's visions of the future is e-equity, ie similarity. It may at first glance look good. But as with most things in Schwab's book, one has to scrape away the salutations to see the real picture. As for "similarity" in Schwab's book, it may be reminiscent of the pig Napoleon in Orwells Comrade Napoleon, which says: "All animals are alike, but some are alike than others." In the two pandemic years, we know that the richest have become richer, both the oligarchs and the big companies in Big Tech and Big Pharma, such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna. All of these are partners in the World Economic Forum.

While the oligarchs have become richer, millions of people have been driven into poverty. Businesses and family businesses have been washed down the pandemic trap. How can Schwab and his followers see the crisis as a big one possibility when millions lose their livelihoods, livelihoods and starve?

And what does the WEF mean by everything we use being rented and not owned? Take a look at this video with WEF's predictions for 2030. You will be happy not to own anything, it is said. If so, who will own the homes? Is it the pig Napoleon and his friends?

Annual Davos meetings

Schwab and the World Economic Forum are perhaps best known for their annual Davos meetings, where the world's richest come in private jets to talk about the green shift. From its headquarters in Geneva with 500 employees, and Norway's former Foreign Minister Børge Brende as president, there is regular lobbying against the world governments. Several of the world's heads of state, business people and royals have been on the "school bench" at Schwab. Germany's Angela Merkel, France's Emmanuel Marcron, Canada's Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates and Crown Prince Haakon have all taken part in the Young Global Leaders program, hosted by the World Economic Forum.

The implementation of 2030 Agenda is an important goal for both the UN and the WEF and is widely discussed in Schwab's book. But is Agenda 2030 exclusively a green and positive plan? The American directors Michael Moore / Jeff Gibbs have dealt with both deforestation and other destruction of the planet that takes place in the name of renewable energy sources – in the film Planet of the Humans. The film was watched by more than 8 million people before it was censored by YouTube, but is still on other platforms. "Censorship is an attempt to prevent a serious discussion about what is called renewable energy," Gibbs told The Guardian. In Norway, more and more questions are being asked about whether wind turbines on land that destroy animals and nature represent a real green shift.

Schwab's book can certainly be used as a starting point for an important debate about where society is heading in terms of both definitions of the green shift and what happens when the large companies have an important position in global governance.

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