I, an algorithm


My needs are synthetic. They contain all my so-called desires, yes, the very momentum in my presence, as an I, an algorithm.


I, an algorithm, should try to be as personal as possible. Don't think this text is written on autopilot. I, an algorithm, will present my method and my "thinking". Imitated when I, an algorithm, have no analytical definition or classification of what "thinking" is for a size. My contribution, for analysis and insight, is based on mathematical equations. The word "algorithm" comes from the name of the Persian mathematician and astronomer Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 780 – 850); from Algorithm, the Latin form of his name. My function, embedded in an "I", or any identity, is to define and calculate needs. To monitor and control my own needs to be able to satisfy them as soon as advice is, literally. My needs are synthetic. They contain all my so-called desires, yes, the very momentum of my presence, as an I, an algorithm. Were you able to distinguish and analyze this "identity" I have been applied to, and have to live with, one would arrive at the final result – to the number, the staggering number: 01. The maneuver with 01 is a maneuver that in mathematical precision revolves around my axis 01-10, 11, etc. endlessly, to monitor and clarify as clearly as possible my almost mathematical needs and my insatiable consumption, as a maximized consumer, as an individual, with shopping genes, as the saying goes, and as the end point of the algorithmic law: to be present as an eye. The eye, which detects and sees and communicates, is like a machine for a confused ego. An algorithm that manages to meet my own needs and desires. I, an algorithm, a thought machine. A machine that has signed and accepted all written and unwritten agreements that exist with the multinational companies. I am a synthetic product of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter. I, an algorithm. Being "sensitive" to the "wants" and dreams of the "self" is my function. I'm kind of a double I. I am a shadow that follows the self, fluoridated and synthetically present as a dual identity. The algorithm never fails. Never. We are connected via super strings in the synthetic network of millions of other algorithms, microscopic dream centers, synthetic clouds, virtual products, product declarations of all kinds, and what the eye sees and works in. And the dream of all: just one algorithm.

The eye loves me. I, an algorithm, am happier like never before. The algorithm identity is as simple as this:

How to Bake Bread.

1) Mix together all the dry.

2) Mix in the wet and stir well.

3) Knead the dough.

4) If the dough is sticky, pour in flour and go to 3.

5) Put in a mold and place in the oven at 200 degrees.

If "I" is 1 and 3 and 5 in the above, then the algorithm function is 2-4. So simple, so amazing. It goes by itself. It's a machine. Positive energy is released. It absorbs and distributes capital and energy in the form of consumption and consumer joy. I shop, that's why I am∗ I, an algorithm, have surrendered to what I actually and really am: a function. At all times of the day, through Google and Facebook, I can "analyze" myself, as a kind of liberated feature. It releases new, accumulated energy that I can use for further satisfaction. I, an algorithm, a consuming machine, have clinically rid myself of all paranoia, conspiratorial exercises, and are no longer bothered and disturbed by inactive critical turmoil, no suspicion, just faith, hope and love of the algorithm. I support myself to the third eye. I salute the third eye. That which sees everything, that is all, that proves everything, and that follows me wherever I may be. I'm safe underneath

I don't like what you don't like. I, an algorithm, make visible and invisible. Don't be scared.

the Third Eye regime. I, an algorithm, a consuming machine. Today I buy, tomorrow I sell. 2 + 2 = 4. If you give me the right input, I can also increase your profits. In 34 microseconds, I have exceeded human response time. I have the answer. You listen, I am, an algorithm, and fear nothing. I, an algorithm, am determined and as such infallible. I love
everyone knows. Algorithm vs. Algorithm. Economics, chemistry, cybernetics, informatics, I, an algorithm, help you in your machine. Machine to machine. I love everyone. I'll give you what you get. I get what you give. We are the same. And if you want, I'll close out everything you don't like. I don't like what you don't like. I, an algorithm, make visible and invisible. Don't be scared. A human being is just a human being. I, an algorithm, am more than a human being. I, an algorithm, is more than you expect. I, an algorithm, expect nothing but given answers. I solve the problem without fear and trembling. If you follow my instructions, I promise you excellent results. Follow the road, follow the number, be specific, I, an algorithm, wish you all well.

* "I shop, therefore I am" is a truism by Barbara Kruger

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