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Middle East and the other

Israeli and Palestinian archaeologists have been digging for decades for evidence that their site has more right to the area than the other. Edward Said and Sigmund Freud are also archaeologists, in a transferred sense, and they show another way to look: Instead of throwing away what does not fit, it is precisely what does not fit that should be lifted up and regarded as important "findings", writes Stian Bromark in this essay.

Guarding the Northern Territories

The head of SV's international committee in Troms, Arne-Johan Johansen, puts in a column in Ny Tid # 42 focus on the High North. His input differs on ...

A small chat with a good person

One autumn day I stop by my friend Kassim. It's hot in the weather, we rig ourselves on plastic chairs in the garden outside the house he ...

On the day of the dream, we get up at four in the morning

Who will carry firewood and water if the house ten-year-old is allowed to start school? This was just one of the many issues Unni Rustad witnessed in her work in Afghanistan. Ny Tid presents here two of Rustad's Afghan stories.


Crazy autist at HVPU housing. Norwegian Muslim, reads only Arabic, speaks only Norwegian. Frenetically concerned that everything should be halal and that the prayers should ...

Modernity and exclusion

The new Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, like the previous Minister, is keen to get more people into the working life. The question is whether he encounters certain basic features of our kind of economy – and modern, global capitalism.

The story of a joke

The piglet that just grows and grows.

A nation of aftermaths

A great cross-section of Norwegian pop history, but the 200 selected songs also show that Norway for years was a musical province that was well pleased to dilate after the rest of the world.

From both sides of the wall

"Make love, not walls" has someone written on Israel's separation wall in the occupied West Bank. The wall plays the lead in the balanced and enlightening book Mur.

Renewal and stagnation

Two years ago I reviewed new recordings of Viktoria Mullova and Maksim Vengerov in this column. Then Mullovas disappointed Beethoven, while Vengerov's Brit ...

Internet like rescue

– Let the internet save help the earth's poor. This was the message in the speech of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday, at the opening of the World Summit on ...

The airplane is taking off in Europe

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee will not take part in the CIA flight case, while more and more European countries are now launching extensive investigations into the CIA's activities in Europe.

Wolf, wolf!

This time it is serious. Will the government have a broad Norwegian public – or will it not? Help us, Trond Giske!

- Not on CIA missions

The plane that landed at Gardermoen on July 20 this year was not commissioned by state US authorities, was modestly received by the Foreign Ministry when they met representatives of the US embassy in Oslo.

Requires transparency about CIA aircraft

"We need transparency and information in the CIA case, and we need to get to the bottom of what these planes have done in Norway," says SVs Bjørn Jacobsen, member of the Defense Committee.

Rejects fight for SV's soul

Despite the protests of profiled SVs against their own government creating divisions in their own ranks, shop stewards on the ground level reject that there is a battle for SV's soul.

Boycott Israel's weapons now

Norwegian politicians should realize that the Oslo process and other negotiations with Israel have failed. Will SV stand by the decision on full arms embargo?

Split in SV about protests

The county leaders split in the view whether it is okay for the SV's parliamentary representatives to protest against their own government.

GATS – the vise on trade in services

A government that opens a service area for competition from abroad should feel confident that another government cannot overturn this decision after the next election. That is the purpose of GATS, the WTO Agreement on Trade in Services.

Hard to hard in GATS

Parallel to the agricultural negotiations, there are fierce negotiations on trade in services in the WTO. It is in those negotiations the front clearly goes between rich and poor countries.

High North Policy

Norwegian interests in the northern areas should give way to internationally accepted rules with an emphasis on environmental safety and protection.

The Northern political elite joins the protection zone

The following reader posts on the conflict between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea were rejected by the Aftenposten, correctly enough after the newspaper had first said it would ...

I know about an old man

He does not read Spirit and does not listen to P3, but possibly works for Ny Tid. The only thing we were worried about when we sat ...

Too little partypical in SV?

It was not surprising, but still appalling, to experience how superficial the two fallen ministers Erna Solberg and Lars Sponheim stated 9.11. tender...

Refill Democratic!

I follow SV with half an eye and a certain sympathy. The sympathy is due to SV having a policy that can make Norway even a little ...