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International orientering in the present.

The Soviet Union and Solzhenitsyn

DISSIDENT: More and more scientists and artists are arrested, sent to prison or placed in psychiatric clinics as insane, if they have deviated from the "party line". Evensmo takes up Solzhenitsyn here after spending a couple of years reading everything he has written – well over 2000 pages.

The zero-tax payer's summer paradise

SHIP OWNER: He arrives at the holiday paradise on private plane. But on the contrary, he could tell that he lived very simply, almost spartanly.

Norway and Vietnam

BORN: Only after many years can the parties come together on something resembling a protest against US warfare. To be honest, we are not very impressed.

1973: The voices of the reaction

"We completely agree with the American president when he has now gone to an effective and efficient bombing of Hanoi and other...
Niels Bo Bojesen. Surveillance. See Libex.Eu

Juicy fines for coronal fractures in Spain

PENALTY: In Spain, the authorities have the option of imposing hefty fines on citizens who refuse to be vaccinated or oppose restrictions during the pandemic.

The fascist paradox

USA: Did the poor, as a result of the American political system, have no choice but to ally with the oligarchs who created them in the first place?

When corruption comes to life

BEIRUT: In its extreme consequence, corruption contributes to the loss of human life. We saw it in Bangladesh when the Rana Plaza factory building collapsed in 2013.

Trojan horses for Chinese intelligence?

HUAWEI: The United States is as believing as China in using national technology as a means of mass surveillance and political manipulation.

Unrestrained apartheid

Palestine voucher: Israel was quick to portray the Palestinians as carriers of the virus and as a health threat. Today, Gaza's crisis is both territorial, demographic, political – and biological.

House occupation and grassroots anarchism

BERLIN: The 70s came back in Berlin in many ways, but with the opposite sign: Today's fight against brutal urban redevelopment and demolition of war-ruined residential buildings has today turned into a fight against gentrification and housing speculation.

Oslo – a gold-edged agreement for Israel

Because of the Oslo Accords, Israel has experienced an adventurous economic growth – at the expense of the Palestinians. Extensive corruption was also the sad result of the Oslo process.
photo: Ingebjørg Torgersen

The political prisoners

For one of the political prisoners in an Israeli prison, smuggling sperm, creating new life, bringing the family forward despite imprisonment, became the ultimate symbol of resistance and hope for the future. Israeli theater director Einat Weizman is working with the detainees.
The European Parliament

"Of course Europe must take responsibility"

THE GREEN EUROPE: "European Green Deal" is reminiscent of the first UN climate report 30 years ago, according to Margrete Auken in the European Parliament. "When it comes to the climate, we can't wait to come up with something smart. We must act now, ”she tells MODERN TIMES.

The city that was left in the fog of oblivion

City history / BELGIUM: Filmmaker Guy-Marc Hinant wants to save the hometown's reputation by digging out the forgotten stories that have been hidden in the mounds of the city's memories.

UN Security Council Resolution1325 – equally relevant today

COLOMBIA: Three years after the peace agreement between the government of Colombia and the FARC EP, the picture is not very encouraging. Nevertheless, both individual women and women's organizations dare to stand up and contribute to openness and improvement.

Aung San Suu Kyi's growth and international fall

MYANMAR: To describe Myanmar as a military dictatorship in 2019 is as provocative as to claim that the emperor goes without clothes.

A global labor market in motion

arbejder:Half a century ago, the first Filipino workers traveled across the globe to work at factories and hotels in Denmark and Norway, among others. Their journey provides insight into a global labor market in motion.

The Anarchist from Berlin

Anarchists: MODERN TIMES launches a series on anarchists internationally. First out is Ralf Landmesser in Berlin.

Can the desire for peace win over American warlifers?

USA VS CHINA: The US foreign policy elite practices anti-Chinese rhetoric and has cut diplomacy in favor of demands.

"I'm driving talks between President Trump and Kim Jong-un"

KOREA: 12. In June, South Korean President Moon Jae-in was received by King Harald during the country's first official state visit to Norway. Moon talked about the devastating impact of "structural violence" the division of his country had on both North and South Korea, and about "positive peace".

China's selective memory

CELEBRATE WITH BISMAK: Doesn't the Chinese regime see the irony in paying tribute to the students who demonstrated in 1919 while continuing to crush any protest from today's students?

Guaidó or Maduro?

VENEZUELA: The United States and Europe, on the one hand. Russia, China and Cuba on the other – the whole world has chosen sides. What do the citizens themselves say?

Blue light for human rights

TURKEY: The Erdogan Government reaches a new human rights low target with the lifetime sentence requirement for 16 prominent civilian leadership figures.

The river as the life blood of the city

PHILIPPINES: A photo book shows us how the world looks to many. A garbage dump. A mockery of human dignity. A ruined ecosystem. Can the power of the photo assist us in the desire for change?

Where white star lions came down from the sky

TRAVEL-ESSAY: The white lions in South Africa became known in the world press in the seventies. But the white man's "discovery" of the white lion has now led these animals to the brink of extinction.