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LEADER: Monarchy for Fall

Departure. In the long term, this may be a historical event we experienced this week:

The 2. June Juan Juan Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón and Borbón-Dos Sicilias (76) resigned in Spain. The said gentleman is better known as Juan Carlos I, who on Monday made it known that he wanted to abdicate. It was about time.

LEADER: Disgraceful in the east and west

"Hidden Cold War." We called it that place 21. February what had been going on for a while in Ukraine.

Leader: Syrian acid attack

The Great Power game with announcer Edward Snowden can have tragic consequences for Syrian children.

Leader: Important, important value choice

The important thing in choosing 9. September is not the Labor Party vs. the Right – but rather whether one prefers the SV or the Progress Party in government.

Leader: Support the alerts

It is not just notifiers of over-billing in a directorate that need protection. Now it's all about America's new digital pursuer.

Leader: Tight balance

Six years have passed since Anna Politkovskaya was killed. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide should take the opportunity to speak Putin opposite.

Leader: The Mediterranean dangers of the economy

As extremists win in Serbia and Greece – Egypt took a historic step closer to democratic normality on Wednesday. The economic crisis also presents new political opportunities.

Leader: The lessons of choice

Tuesday's leadership statement in the SV warns that a quarter-century era in the party is ebbing. And that a new spring may come for Norwegian party democracy.

Book reviews

There is no such thing as 'healthy', 'normal' or 'sick'

HEALTH: From patient associations and wheelchair train blockades to queer protests and artistic projects, this book shows how people in Britain have resisted the power of diagnosis.

Somewhere between popular belief and the consensus of the wise

PSYCHOLOGY If we sapiens are so wise, why are we so self-destructive? The problem of the human species is, according to Harari, a network problem. For him, populism ultimately appears much more dangerous than a global liberal elite.

Information, knowledge and wisdom

KI: Some books take up familiar themes, but manage to put them into a context that makes the pieces fall more into place. Yuval Noah Harari's Nexus is one such book. For him, human political development rests on our ability to form and maintain networks.

Afghan media history

MEDIA: Saad Mohseni's book is an important and well-written account of what an active entrepreneur achieved together with and thanks to a diverse and courageous group of journalists.

"You were never fat and full, you went to the bottom."

POEM: Politically, Olav Nygard seems to have been in line with his friends, the cultural leaders Arne and Hulda Garborg, who complained about materialism and capitalism.
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