Accelerationism: Several thinkers believe that it is possible for what they call a rather complacent left to carve out a better and freer future through capitalism and technology.
Palestine voucher: The magazine Palestine in our century has both a current and historical perspective on # Middle East #'s long nuclear conflict over Palestine. Although it is well known, it is often with little detailed knowledge.
Is globalization an evil that should now be fought? No, it's more nuanced. We who have an international orientation look with fear at how international cooperation is now being weakened by the pandemic.
It was time to settle, now in our sixth year for today's MODERN TIMES. Not only is the world changing with a pandemic (see otherwise in the newspaper), but the public has also changed dramatically over the past decade.
CROWN: Are the European authorities truthful about how long the measures will last? Can you lock up a population for 12-18 months before a vaccine is developed?
HEALTH: From patient associations and wheelchair train blockades to queer protests and artistic projects, this book shows how people in Britain have resisted the power of diagnosis.
PSYCHOLOGY If we sapiens are so wise, why are we so self-destructive? The problem of the human species is, according to Harari, a network problem. For him, populism ultimately appears much more dangerous than a global liberal elite.
KI: Some books take up familiar themes, but manage to put them into a context that makes the pieces fall more into place. Yuval Noah Harari's Nexus is one such book. For him, human political development rests on our ability to form and maintain networks.
MEDIA: Saad Mohseni's book is an important and well-written account of what an active entrepreneur achieved together with and thanks to a diverse and courageous group of journalists.
POEM: Politically, Olav Nygard seems to have been in line with his friends, the cultural leaders Arne and Hulda Garborg, who complained about materialism and capitalism.
Japanese industry becomes the rescue of a Norwegian wind power project. At the same time, green Norwegian companies are escaping abroad because the funding opportunities are so poor in Norway.