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Inadequate health care

A large number of suicide attempts, frequent use of isolation and lack of psychiatric follow-up: The health service at Trandum faces both concern and criticism.

Magnitsky Acts alternative facts 

Ny Tid has reviewed official Russian investigations, autopsy reports and police interrogations and checked the facts against the message in The Magnitsky Act. The allegations in the film are in direct contrast to the Russian authorities' own findings. 

- We cannot just call Russia an enemy

Women have taken a bigger place in the Armed Forces in recent years. What does a young female soldier think about Norway's role in the much-talked about NATO exercise?

The economy is collapsing

Economic collapse always leads to economic state of emergency – from the fall of the Roman Empire to today's civil war-like conditions in Venezuela. 

Solidarity project starts in Norway

A broad solidarity campaign with the Greek people has got an uplifting start, according to the LO leader.

"Ask Vadsø"

Bård Wormdal's book The spy base tells of a Norway that really matters for the power game.

Solidarity and self-management

With the history of the house occupation in mind, Ny Tid met last year at Wismar Square in Friedrichshain on 1 May.