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New radiation-free zones?

Therese Lucile Eng
Therese Lucile Engh
Engh is local team leader for Follo in Folkets Strålevern.
RADIATION / For many of us who have become electrically hypersensitive, it is almost impossible to find a place where we can be healthy. The authorities must therefore facilitate radiation-free areas that are not covered by the mobile network.


Eight years ago, I started having health problems from radiation. I get a kind of vibrating, "electrical" headache from the microwave radiation from mobile phones, WiFi, cell tower, smart meters and more. As well as a strong feeling of pressure in the head and loud ringing in the ears.

The symptoms disappear if I am out in the woods far from base stations and other radiation sources.

I have experienced this time and time again, and I doesn't recognize me in any way the Norwegian health and radiation protection authorities' model of explanation that I must suffer from something "psychological". Or that I can get well if I go to a psychologist and stop being "afraid of" the radiation. I'm not afraid of the radiation, and I don't have the slightest hint of it "fear of technology" rather.

Below the limit values

My symptoms are consistent with what has been known and described in research already in the 1970s as symptoms of microwave sickness, among other things i previously classified military reports.

And they agree with symptoms like American and Canadian diplomats (and later diplomats from other countries) received in 2016 and 2017 when they worked at foreign embassies, such as in Havana, Cuba and in Guangzhou in China – and as the US National Research Council, National Academies of Sciences (NAS), came to the conclusion that it must be due to exposure to microwave radiation below the limit values.

This rock-solid American research council therefore falls on the same discovery as it was made in boats East og plate carrier already many decades ago, and which several hundred radiologists around the world warn about: Even rather weak pulsed microwave radiation – substantially below western limit values ​​– triggers significant health damage. Partly acute, partly over time.

Norwegian radiation protection and digitization policy is based on the safety limits of a private German foundation – ICNIRP – which substantiates its latest guidelines by mostly referring to itself. They are hard criticised for unhealthy bonds to the telecom industry, and for systematically to reject large quantities research that pointing at health damage – including the research on which the American NAS is based.

New mobile masts

First and foremost among the victims of this policy are those of us who have become electro-sensitive, which notices acute health problems from the radiation. As the situation is today, we have already been driven to the periphery of society – out of schools, out of workplaces, out of cultural buildings and public areas.

Having to move from his own home because of new cell phone masts to plug coverage gaps.

And we can't even count on being safe in our own home. A large proportion of us, the undersigned included, have been forced to move from our homes to get away from the radiation that makes us sick.

I know several people who are now in danger of – or who will have to – having to move/flee from their home for the second or third time, because of new mobile masts that are supposed to plug coverage gaps. For many of us, it is almost impossible to find a place where we can be healthy.

Basic human rights, such as the right to move freely and the right to be safe in one's own home, are neglected.

There is an urgent need for it to be established radiation-free zones for electro-hypersensitives, where we can live and be healthy. Zones without exposure from mobile masts – and with clauses that no new ones are set up. After one research review urged the Council of Europe already in 2011, in its resolution 1815, its member states to introduce precautionary measures, and «using all reasonable means to reduce radiation exposure» to protect citizens' health.

In point 8.1.4. in this resolution, the Parliamentary Assembly urges member states to: "pay special attention to 'electro-sensitive' people who suffer from a syndrome of intolerance to electromagnetic fields and introduce special measures to protect them, including the creation of radiation-free areas not covered by the mobile network .”

Such radiation-free zones, low-radiation zones (or similar initiatives) where electro-sensitive people can seek refuge, exists i different forms i a number of countries. Many are private initiatives, or initiatives from organisations. Some have been established with varying degrees of support and facilitation from the authorities – including i Italy, Sveits, France og USA.

Support from the authorities is highly desirable to carry out such projects, when it comes to both securing and regulating such areas, so that they remain radiation-free in the future as well. And it often becomes too demanding for private individuals to create the necessary infrastructure.

An appeal to the authorities

In the long term, radiation levels should be lowered throughout the country, the number of radiation sources limited, and wired solutions should be used where possible. This will benefit the health of the entire population. 

But those who have become electrically hypersensitive cannot wait. Therefore, this chronicle has the following appeal – to which I would like an answer – to, among others, the Ministry of Health and Care and the Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (DSA): I request that the Norwegian authorities facilitate such radiation-free zones, so that electro-sensitive people have possibility of seeking temporary refuge.

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