By Else Nordhagen and Einar Flydal
5G is being sold as "the wireless revolution that changes everything". One of the many thousands of researchers, doctors and nurses who are calling in various appeals FN and individual states to halt the development, on the other hand, says: "5G is the most insane idea anyone could ever think of!" Why is he doing it? Well, because of the damaging effects:
# 5G is the technology that will drive our globe in to the environmental problems with even greater speed. 5G reinforces the damage we have done to the biosphere and life on Earth. There are excited calls for how 5G should give us more freedom in a "smarter" society.
This is the depressing picture we are left with after an enthusiastic working life in the ICT sector. And we're not alone.
Damage findings are rejected
We are many who see that the future doesn't turn out the way we dreamed. "# The green shift #" cannot take place using Internet of Things. It is self-deception to believe such. An alliance between defense, business and politics closes their eyes on this and swallows claims that no harm has been proven within the limits that apply and should apply to 5G.
The self-deception is based on the fact that solid biological damage findings are also rejected by a radiation protection administration, which in defense mode cultivates a scientific view that prevents knowledge-based policy.
That is why we have written a book on the matter: 5G and our Wireless Reality – High-level gaming with health and the environment (Z publishing, 2019). There we and several researchers in the field provide comprehensive coverage for this, and for today's radiation Protection is harmful to insects, birds, animals and humans. The book warns against what will be tomorrow's "climate crisis".
The new technologies that 5G employs are accelerating today's injury scenario: To increase capacity, higher frequencies ("millimeter waves") are needed quickly. For such waves to penetrate through air, vegetation and walls, a massive increase in the number of transmitters is needed, the transmit power must be intensified and the waves directionally controlled. This results in increased overall exposure, which will cause more damage and be increasingly difficult to protect against.
Behind Norwegian "recommended limit values" is a "supply chain" starting in the US wireless sector. It is staffed by people with the "right" point of view: the desire for boundaries that give maximum leeway. We have documented this in great detail in the book.
In practice, thus, the radiation protection against the harmful effects of wireless communication is left to the individual. And not only that: The limit values are now made more roomy to accommodate 5G.
"But this is not a problem," many say, "for man-made radiation is insignificant compared to all the radiation we get from space!"
Even slight radiation damage
They are wrong: Radiation from space is chaotic. Life is built to withstand such chaotic radiation. In nature, small amounts of polarized (non-chaotic) radiation with tiny pulses also occur. The pulses follow certain patterns, including around the clock. They regulate the many "clocks" of the biosystems in a complex way.
The pulses are used for navigation, they affect metabolism and the rhythm of sleep. If we are prevented from receiving such pulses, the body's regulatory systems fall apart and we become ill. But when such pulses occur outside the pattern, for example in weather fronts, many become "weather sick."
The man-made polarized pulses in wireless communication comes in addition to the natural and root for biological reactions. Some respond acutely, most of us probably notice something, but the body is put under pressure and some give in over time.
50 000G satellites
The launch of # 5G satellites is underway. Over 50 from major commercial players and states. Meteorologists warn: Radiation noise from 000G satellites will return weather forecasting services for decades. Scientists also fear that serious disruptions in the global pulses life on Earth will depend on. Physicists reject this fear and point out how vanishing the satellites are in relation to radiation from space, but they do not distinguish between chaotic and polarized radiation, as the biosystems do.
Since 1900, the total radiation in the wireless area of cities has increased in intensity around 1000 times, and the pulse rate has increased accordingly. With 000G, the strength and pulses – and thus the health and environmental problems that arise when the biosystems are put under such pressure – will increase. But no one can say exactly how or how fast it happens. Reports of a 70 percent decline in insect populations are an ominous sign.
There is a lot that is unpredictable at 5G. The technologies are not safety tested. They are put into operation despite research that has documented significant, and deleterious, effects both of pulse, of long-term weak exposure, and of the planned used millimeter waves. The Radiation Protection Agency's statement that "no adverse effects have been documented" and that "we are watching closely" appears to be damning on this basis. The reality is that it is not documented that 5G is safe, but that both damage and damage mechanisms associated with 5G have been demonstrated.
Organic cul-de-sac
Thus, it is not God who uses the Earth as a sounding ball, as it is called in the song, but the people who play with the globe – with tremendous effort and with very narrow interests. We storm into an ecological dead end in the excitement of the opportunity to watch video everywhere and always, have "smart" homes and self-driving cars, have a bank and tickets on mobile and always be able to contact, whether it is for pure fun or vital help .
5G is a vision that is gradually being realized. It can and should be slowed down and stopped. Around the globe, cities, parties, politicians and associations have already halted 5G roll-out until it is impartial documented that 5G is safe for people and the environment. That is not an unreasonable claim.
What are the alternatives to 5G?
If we are to avoid all the harmful effects of 5G and all wireless, we must discontinue everything wirelessly – or impose very large restrictions on its use. But there are many possible solutions:
Technology: Radio technologies can be developed with fewer and weaker pulses.
Fiber: Fiber cables have greater capacity and are beam-free. Fiber can replace wireless but lacks mobility.
LIFI: LiFi is wireless broadband using light in frequency ranges that are not visible to humans. Solutions are designed for use in confined premises (office landscapes, classrooms, etc.). There is currently little experience with health and environmental effects, but some warnings.
Restrict unnecessary communication: Communication solutions with less unnecessary transmission.
Refrain from development. For example, an Aidon transmits power meter continous signals to tell where it is, despite being screwed to a wall.
Community development which provides lower communication needs.
Nordhagen is a dr.scient, former senior researcher at SINTEF and Telenor Research & Development and series founder in ICT. Flydal is cand.polit. and master in telecom strategy, former researcher at Telenor Research & Development, senior adviser Telenor ASA, senior lecturer at NTNU.
Saturday, January 25 is Global Protest Day against 5G. There were events in several places in the country. See, for example:
Trondheim: bit.ly/stopp5gtrondheim
Mountains: bit.ly/stopp5gbergen
Stavanger: bit.ly/stopp5gstavanger
Tonsberg: bit.ly/stopp5gtonsberg
Elverum: bit.ly/stopp5gelverum1