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Dirty power

Einar Flydal
Einar Flydal
Flydal is a pensioner with a background as a researcher and senior advisor in the Telenor Group and a university lecturer at NTNU.
CHRONICLE / The new AMS electricity meters pollute the electricity grid in the house with more "dirty electricity" than old meters.


Written together with Else Nordhagen, dr. Scient. in ICT

A recent technical report shows that the new ones electricity meterne that are located in Norway, in homes and at work, pollute the electricity grid in the house with more "dirty electricity" than old meters, and can be a health problem. Even when the radio transmitters in them are removed.

"Dirty electricity" is an industry term for several types of electrical noise that spread through power lines and in electromagnetic fields around them. The company EMF Consult AS has tested the amount of dirty electricity from about 20 meters produced from 1985 until today, and concludes in report that new meters create more dirty power than older models. «The amounts of dirty current are particularly significant at frequencies that lie outside those that are tested for CE marking, which is the EU's certification scheme." This is written by cybernetics and electrical engineering engineer Odd Magne Hjortland, who is the report's author. "The fact that the AMS meters are located where the house's wiring network spreads out in the house means that this noise is spread out effectively in the house, so that in principle you live inside a three-dimensional antenna that emits electromagnetic pulses in time with the noise. The noise will be amplified by several meters in the same transformer circuit," continues Hjortland. Sound technician Erik Avnskog, who has also worked on the topic for a number of years, states at our request that the detected voltage noise can be problematic. We know from other measurements that the noise also increases above and beyond the frequencies tested in this measurement.

Biology is affected

It is well documented that at the very low frequencies that are "wrapped in" high fundamental frequencies can electrical pulses affect biology: among other things by changing the metabolism and the brain's sleep pattern; by open cell wall channels so the cells' oxidant production increases; and create additional signaling in the nervous system. This happens even with very weak pulses when they come in the "right" frequency, so they have pulse rhythms that something in the body should naturally react to. Some are far more sensitive to such influences than others, and react acutely. Others only over time. The measurement results in the new report can therefore explain why some people experience health problems from new meters, even when they have been exempted and had the new meters' radio transmitters removed.

Fatigue, tinnitus, joint pain, "mind fog" and poorer night's sleep.

Typical acute reactions to pulses are diffuse symptoms, such as fatigue, tinnitus, joint pain, "mind fog" and poorer night's sleep. These are the kind of symptoms that the American diplomats recently warned about, referred to in the media around the world. One research committee set up by the US National Research Council found that it had to be due to such pulses. The increase in such "noise" which "drowns out" nature's electrical pulses, causes concern with some researchers. They predict a corresponding increase in health problems.

Health problems after installation

Customers who provide a doctor's certificate stating that they suffer acute health problems from electromagnetic fields are exempt from the radio transmitter in the new AMS meters. Exemption from AMS means that power grid companyone is not required to replace the old meter, but can leave it standing. But the electricity network companies claim that "dirty electricity" cannot be a health problem, and demand, with threats of power cut-off, that the meter be changed to a new meter (with the transmitter removed or deactivated).

There are no statistics in Norway, but both experiences and surveys in other countries indicates that a significant number of people with diffuse health problems have had them after AMS meter was installed. The basic documents on which Norwegian radiation protection is based (e.g. FHI report 2012:3), does not deny that this is possible. Such reactions to exposure below current Norwegian and Western limit values ​​are generally recognized in many countries and solidly proven for a long time. The Radiation Protection Agency in Norway, the Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety ( DSA ), claims nonetheless that such meters cannot be a health problem.

See comment on 5G.

The report referenced can be downloaded here and distributed freely:

For an introduction to the topics dirty current, pulses and biological effects, especially in connection with AMS meters, you can download for free or get sent (for NOK 250) the book The smart meters, dirty electricity, pulses and health (285 pages, extensive references to research etc.)


About the cells:

Opening of cell wall calcium channels is well known as the cause of a number of very different medical symptoms, both acute and over time, minor and more serious. Several different environmental stressors can trigger these channels to open. That the pulsation from an Aidon AMS meter can open cell wall calcium channels, has recently been demonstrated in a single note with calculations which we asked the German physicist Klaus Scheler to do based on today's radiophysical and biophysical knowledge. He then relied on modeling work done by the researcher Panagopoulos et al., and as he has explained in a comprehensive and demanding technical article where he puts together many "puzzle pieces" from practical and theoretical research. In the spring of 2021, he translated this article into English and sent it to us for free use. We have put the two texts together one document.


(You can also read and follow Cinepolitical, our editor Truls Lie's comments on X.)

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