In its program of principles and actions for 2021–2025[1] The Center Party declares that Norway must work for a world where conflicts are resolved by diplomatic means.
This program is also not one of the worst in terms of conflict prevention and non-violence. Sp will strengthen the conflict councils, so that more cases can be resolved through mediation, and they will strengthen the police's capacity to prevent violence. Similarly, the program places particular emphasis on work against violence in close relationships, and a number of measures are presented to prevent honor violence and negative social control. Here, there is a reasonably consistent approach to violence prevention in both justice, education, health and social policy.
Although the program devotes a lot of space to foreign policy, the violence prevention perspective is not as clear here. Sp says that peace-building work is important in combating the reasons why people flee, but peace is not mentioned, for example, as an objective for, or tool in, development aid policy. According to the program, Norway and NATO must contribute to low tensions in the High North, but it is not very clear exactly how this will be achieved.
At the same time, this program testifies that the SP is clearly a defense-friendly party, with the ambition of increasing defense budgets and the country's military capabilities. This defense policy places stronger emphasis on Norwegian territorial defense than, for example, the defense policy of the Conservatives, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party. The Center Party's program only allows for Norwegian military foreign operations in defense of NATO allies and operations with a clear UN mandate. Furthermore, the SP will raise the threshold for the use of military force by including the Storting more deeply in such decisions. Sp's program also has some policy to strengthen control over Norwegian arms exports and international regulation of autonomous weapons (see also separate case on nuclear disarmament).
[1] Only the final draft of the program committee is used here.