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"You were never fat and full, you went to the bottom."

POEM: Politically, Olav Nygard seems to have been in line with his friends, the cultural leaders Arne and Hulda Garborg, who complained about materialism and capitalism.

Metaphysics of absence as a technique of rule

LITERATURE: It is time to come to terms with the absence metaphysics of Georg Johannesen (GJ), Arnfinn Åslund and Arild Linneberg. The metaphysics of absence, the alleged incomprehensibility, was the basis for GJ to ride his own fads. This is a basic structure in GJ's own rhetorical control technique.

Axel Jensen – from the tuxedo to the stove

AXEL JENSEN: Torgrim Eggen balances in a reading party of a biography on the tight line between Axel Jensen's life and work.

Masterful biography of André Bjerke

The polemic who goes crazy, but who never fails verbally, the competitor and the energetic poet. And above all, a golden humor shines.

Between the nursery and the court

Although cultural radicals are allowed to review Kaj Skagen's assessment of "the Norwegian", much of the thinking in the book comes from one of its foremost representatives, namely Jens Bjørneboe. 

From splintered childhood to political performance

An intense tenderness emerges, but also an anger on behalf of the child Kate.

Dag Hammarskjöld, seer and explorer

The official and the spirit man Dag Hammarskjöld were not opposites but enriched each other mutually, according to his biographer Roger Lipsey.

Psychosocial revolutionary

Peter Weiss' political horizon has no topicality. But he was one of the greatest writers of the 1900 century.