LITERATURE: It is time to come to terms with the absence metaphysics of Georg Johannesen (GJ), Arnfinn Åslund and Arild Linneberg. The metaphysics of absence, the alleged incomprehensibility, was the basis for GJ to ride his own fads. This is a basic structure in GJ's own rhetorical control technique.
PUBLIC: The image of the public in the Enlightenment was an ideal image of enlightened citizens gathered in an audience that discussed – or 'deliberated' – to arrive at the best solution. But what happens when early hair loss, premature ejaculation and simulated disability become therapy texts for the endless frustration of living in one of the world's supposedly richest and best countries?
A DOUBLE BIOGRAPHY: Since the 1950s, Burke's ideas have undergone a renaissance. Opposition to rationalism and atheism is strong among the 40-50 million evangelical Christian Americans.