VALUES: What does it mean to be Norwegian, or more specifically to be part of a Norwegian community of values? The philosopher Immanuel Kant – now 300 years after his birth – may be relevant to the debate about 'Norwegian values', here related to Bjøranger and Svensson's new book.
ESSAYS: Is the truth scandalous? Michel Houellebecq hides behind masks, and in the end the masks are stuck to his face: He has become his own self-representation.
INTERNET: Johann Hari points out in the book that the 'focus crisis' is directly dangerous for democracy and can contribute to forming totalitarian regimes.
FASCISM:Benito Mussolini is back to show us how to build a fascist regime of terror. Antonio Scurati, the author of M – son of the century, says in this interview with MODERN TIMES that "Benito Mussolini was like an empty shell, a man without opinions, but with an excess of the courage of opinions".
POEM: The reader of this book is cautioned against reading too large parts consecutively. You then run the risk of a wild language machine starting up in your head, so that you start writing books yourself.
NURSING: After a decade in Norwegian elderly care, nurse Vigdis J. Reisæter could no longer bear to give a sedative to anxiety sufferers of dementia instead of a hand to hold and an ear to listen with.
DEMOCRACY: Anne Applebaum shows how concrete historical events developed a political populism. How can we understand and counteract the forces that want the liberal, democratic, fact-based structure of society to come to life?
Migrations, language families and trade routes: Tore Linné Eriksen's Africa book is a door opener with its many short, thematic stories. But does he succeed in delivering what he promises?
nationalism: In Vegard Tenold Aase's new book, we become acquainted with right-wing groups in the United States, denying the Holocaust and believing in a new giving for neo-Nazism.
The controversial author Michel Houellebecq recently released his first book in four years. Will the book give the French farmers the help they need in the fight for their livelihood?