POEM: Politically, Olav Nygard seems to have been in line with his friends, the cultural leaders Arne and Hulda Garborg, who complained about materialism and capitalism.
POETRY: Paula Meehan has a keen eye for social realities combined with a sense of mystery. For example, one can ask whether the innermost thing in religion is the same as in socialism – that you yourself are all the others?
POETRY: In a collection of poems by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, there may be a touch of criticism of civilization. Like when the political commitment ebbs and allows the artistic expression to intensify – melancholic and energetic.
POEM:Nobel Prize winner Louise Glück's poems are surreal, where the imagination can prevail. Beneath the surface – like a frozen lake – is a world of disappointment, sadness, but not resignation.
HAITI / VOODOO: A young Haitian named Britis filmed one of the most notable documentaries recently. But it's only halfway into the movie that even the most vigilant viewer discovers who – or what – the
Before we host parents for the first time – what do we know about parenting? About pregnancy, childbirth and maternity? What choice can we make? Mostly nothing.
Interview: The Akademie der Künste archive in Berlin recently opened with an exhibition of German Ginka Steinwachs' installations. On that occasion, Ny Tid had a conversation with the surrealist poet.
Arthur Rimbaud in Oslo: This is the story of how a great poet could rise even higher: Rimbaud in Africa can represent a turning point in literary history.