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"You were never fat and full, you went to the bottom."

POEM: Politically, Olav Nygard seems to have been in line with his friends, the cultural leaders Arne and Hulda Garborg, who complained about materialism and capitalism.

Farewell to an Ireland

POETRY: Paula Meehan has a keen eye for social realities combined with a sense of mystery. For example, one can ask whether the innermost thing in religion is the same as in socialism – that you yourself are all the others?

When you approach your limits

POETRY: In a collection of poems by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, there may be a touch of criticism of civilization. Like when the political commitment ebbs and allows the artistic expression to intensify – melancholic and energetic.

She "hears them" with her eyes

POEM:Nobel Prize winner Louise Glück's poems are surreal, where the imagination can prevail. Beneath the surface – like a frozen lake – is a world of disappointment, sadness, but not resignation.

Walking through the cemetery in Port-au-Prince

HAITI / VOODOO: A young Haitian named Britis filmed one of the most notable documentaries recently. But it's only halfway into the movie that even the most vigilant viewer discovers who – or what – the

Hairpin swings and hives

Thor Sørheim is approaching rivers and the Trollstigen, small children and hollyhocks with a perception psychologist's open mind and senses.

What the landscape provides

Nature is in dialogue with the poetry in Karin Haugane's latest collection of poems, where time itself is the most important building block.

Warning! Maternity!

Before we host parents for the first time – what do we know about parenting? About pregnancy, childbirth and maternity? What choice can we make? Mostly nothing.

Limitless twists

Göran Sonnevis's latest collection of poems shows a great poet far out in his life.

Surrealistic self-making

Interview: The Akademie der Künste archive in Berlin recently opened with an exhibition of German Ginka Steinwachs' installations. On that occasion, Ny Tid had a conversation with the surrealist poet.

Monologue for a broken family

The great filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is regarded by many as an even greater poet. Now his poem is translating into Norwegian.

The poet who exceeded the poetry

Arthur Rimbaud in Oslo: This is the story of how a great poet could rise even higher: Rimbaud in Africa can represent a turning point in literary history.