NEO-FASCISM: Do many still have fascist longings today, or can one always blame seductive leaders? A closer dive into the 100-year-old Italian fascism and its descendants says something about the dangers we are now likely to face.
British filmmaker Kim Longinotto makes documentary films about rebellious outsiders, where women fighting for their own survival are the celebrated protagonist.
Tensions increase and tears in common as we follow young Chinese actors as they are trained as Mao Zedong's Red Guardians and relive the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
"The same can happen anywhere in the world," says Evgenij Afineevsky, who, with Cries from Syria, gives a strong and easy-to-understand picture of the war years the country has been through.
We are facing a new wave of documentaries that are not content with showing reality. They want to create real social change, far beyond the traditional display rooms.
As a source of stability in the region, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters can gain more support for their liberation struggle, believes controversial philosopher and documentary Bernard-Henri Lévy.
This month's stream movie: Sara Broos' Reflections is a picturesque portrait of the director's artist mother, and thematizes both the deep connections and the painful fences family relationships often feature.