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Donald Trump

Who will own the stories?

POWER: Whose Story Is This? encourages each of us to change the world by changing what story we choose to tell and who it belongs to.

Trump's raucous racist rhetoric

BIOPOLITIK: Does the public notion of order necessitate extreme violence against specific population groups (natives, blacks, Muslims etc.)? May 5000 poor and lost migrants meet by a wall and mobilize 15000 soldiers?

Fascinating about fascism

iDEOLOGY: Do we know enough about fascism to understand it?

From individual participation to authoritarian politics

POLICY: Does technology development destabilize modern democracies? China can be seen as a positive counterpart to the West.

The good old days ”- a time without feminism, migration and globalization

SENFASCISMEN: The notion of constituting an endangered culture goes back to all the different Late Fascist communities

White and black workers

THE WORKING CLASS: Hegemonic Trump analyzes portray America's working class as white.

"I'm driving talks between President Trump and Kim Jong-un"

KOREA: 12. In June, South Korean President Moon Jae-in was received by King Harald during the country's first official state visit to Norway. Moon talked about the devastating impact of "structural violence" the division of his country had on both North and South Korea, and about "positive peace".

On a tandem bike into the future

Nuclear Weapons: Despite repeated demonstrations, nuclear weapons are still with us, and they are at least as dangerous as before. This book contains what you need to know about the history of nuclear weapons.

Assange and the free word

The arrest of Assange is about an "arrest of democracy".

Have the evangelical Americans lost their minds?

TRUMPS SELECTORS: Several places in the book conclude that the coalition between evangelicals and Republicans is as solid as it has ever been.

Lykkeberg – "a democratic socialist"

SUBJECT: How are we to explain to our children that Trump – against the most odds – became President of the United States?

Our dear NATO

MANAGER: Unfortunately, most people want to live under NATO protection – in a self-deception of ignorance.

Inept leaders

ESSAY: Why are these overlooked leaders so hairy – like China, Russia, and America under Trump?

Can the INF agreement be saved by extension?

DISARMAMENT: With the Trump administration's cancellation of the INF deal, the world seems to be losing an important framework for arms control and nuclear disarmament. The danger of new armament is immediate. But what if the agreement is continued in a new and more ambitious edition?

Sewing together a fragmented reality

Collage: "Nobody hates Trump more than Trump" claims he hates himself, but the allegation is unfounded.

Will Spain be the first NATO country to support the nuclear ban?

Most of the countries in Europe do not support the UN nuclear ban. Will this change when Trump and Putin wreck the INF deal?