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United States of America?

Pandemic: How coordinated or in solidarity is Europe really?

Europe as a green superpower?

ENVIRONMENT: As a political project, the nations of Europe have failed to find common ground. Can the local and regional based on several "pacts" form the framework for a perspective – which will contribute to the development of a new paradigm?

What does the Center Party, the Red Party and the Green Party really want to change?

Chronicle: The EEA is, for example, aviation, energy cooperation, banking cooperation, satellite navigation, medical cooperation (covid-19 and vaccine cooperation), cooperation on security in communication technology, railway package and police cooperation. What is the alternative, raisin picking in Brussels?

The top of an iceberg

TAX: Panama Papers, Paradise Papers, LuxLeaks and FinCEN provide a clue to the global scope of "tax planning".

Low crisis awareness and unresolved climate challenges

CRISIS: The state's crisis management is not enough, as Norway as an oil-producing nation ignores the recommendations that the oil should remain in the ground.


CORRUPTION: In crisis situations, the risk of corruption increases – as with the money behind the upcoming corona vaccine.

A woman's struggle with reality

WOMEN OF EUROPE: In our interview series with European women, Sweden's former Foreign and Vice Prime Minister Margot Wallström is the latest. She believes that we are currently living in a world of autocrats, where Nordic welfare values ​​have poor conditions.

Where are we going now?

Is globalization an evil that should now be fought? No, it's more nuanced. We who have an international orientation look with fear at how international cooperation is now being weakened by the pandemic.

Oslo – a gold-edged agreement for Israel

Because of the Oslo Accords, Israel has experienced an adventurous economic growth – at the expense of the Palestinians. Extensive corruption was also the sad result of the Oslo process.

Permanent state of emergency?

CROWN: Are the European authorities truthful about how long the measures will last? Can you lock up a population for 12-18 months before a vaccine is developed?

An accurate portrayal of the EU crisis

EUROPE: Is it now about developing a kind of European solidarity, or have we become space polygamous?

Brexit: The price of dishonesty

CHALLENGES OF EUROPE: The Brexit chaos seems to culminate in the British leaving the EU – now that the election of Boris Johnson has been postponed. Brexit is the price the British have to pay for not having had an honest discussion about immigration, multiculturalism and the British Empire. But are Britain's problems unique?

"Our existence depends on changing our growth and consumption habits"

WOMEN OF CHANGE: MODERN TIMES is talking to experienced Sandrine Dixson-Declève this time about sustainable growth and green development. She is now the leader of the European Commission's Expert Group for Research and Innovation.

Green Deal for Europe

EUROPA The 11. December the European Commission presents the much-debated Green Deal.

What now, EEA?

The EEA Agreement is 25 year on year. What does Europe mean for Norway, and what does President Macron say about Europe's future?

Stop trade in torture tools

TORTURE: A UN resolution on trade in tools used for torture will bring us one step closer to the goal of a world without torture.