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An ideal peace agreement that ends the war once and for all

FRED: Three hundred years after Immanuel Kant was born, the Prussian philosopher's arguments for a rational, clear-sighted pacifism are more relevant than ever. Europe has recently become a place where the opposition between good and evil is routinely invoked to justify irresponsible brutality, and where the drums of war sound ever louder. Kant is known as the author of one of the most famous anti-war essays in the history of philosophy: The Eternal Peace. Kant's cosmopolitanism is based on man's original, common possession of the earth and implies a recognition of a 'right' to visit all places without being treated with hostility.

A pan-European political movement

DEMOCRACY: According to Yanis Varoufakis, his DiEM25 was the first to present a green new agreement – one that was comprehensive, radical and realistic at the same time.

Refinancing can give you better finances

ECONOMY: Are you struggling with high spending on consumer loans, credit cards and installment purchases? If so, you are one of many.

David Graeber (1961–2020)

Obituary: David Graeber died recently. MODERN TIMES chooses for once to bring an obituary – here over the anarchist who wanted to change our usual notions of what is possible and impossible, right and wrong, normal and strange.

The indebted man 

Being indebted has become our time of being human.

Tunisia after the Arab Spring

TUNISIA:Debt, unemployment and slow-moving reforms – the country that made the most of the upheaval in 2010 – 2011, still face major challenges. 

Debt that runs wild

It is interesting what psychology prevails in the world economy at the moment. In the West, we have now financially mortgaged real values ​​25 times. This is a ...