GAZA: This book certainly does not lie in the depiction of Israel's brutal conduct in the Gaza Strip, at the same time it creates a helicopter view that sees a series of misunderstandings and misjudgments on both sides.
GAZA: Morten Strøksnes has chosen an unconventional and gifted approach by describing the first 366 days of the war in the form of a long series of roughly chronologically arranged bullet points, which together become a representation of the war's architecture.
GAZA: Sheikh Jarrah describes how the Israeli authorities subsequently sought to silence the journalists. Here is a current book – in connection with the murdered journalists in Gaza. The democratic function of the media is not always so democratic.
HAMAS: Leila Seurat provides a good basis for understanding what went terribly wrong on October 7, when Hamas made a drastic change of course. The purpose of it all was to get the Palestinian cause back on the global agenda, and it has largely succeeded.