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With the willing and servile oil country Norway in tow

EQUIPMENT: That the rest of the world, apart from the West, does not stand on the side of Norway, the USA and NATO when it comes to Ukraine today, is not surprising when we know the centuries of looting and colonial times, followed by imperialist wars and Western-backed coups. It is still "war and weapons that create peace" that is the narrative. Stop the race to a possible world war!

The women who travel to the Islamic State

The IS brides: Both victims of and renegade supporters of the terrorist organization IS claim that this "state" will rise again, and journalists and experts support the claim. But how many victims' stories are needed before IS loses its appeal to individuals? What about Aisha Shezadi Kausar?

Strong hostage drama from reality

DANISH IS-CATCH: The feature film about Danish Daniel Rye captured by IS in Syria shows that Scandinavian film does not have to be toothless entertainment to hit wide.

What would Machiavelli do?

China and India are emerging as the new superpowers, and the West must find a new foothold in a moving world

Journalism in the danger zone

Like many other journalists, war correspondent Marie Colvin was killed in Syria as she tried to report back home on the atrocities. Ny Tid has spoken to the photographer who was involved in what was to be her last assignment.

Marawi: The Filipino jihadists' Sherwood 

The struggle the militant Muslims are fighting in the Philippines is not about establishing an Islamic state, but first and foremost about establishing a just state, a young Filipino jihadist tells Ny Tid.

Looking beyond the borders

Danish The Distant Barking of Dogs depicts a ten-year-old boy growing up on the frontline of Ukraine, while Swedish The Deminer is about a mine-raiser in IS-ravaged Iraq. 

NATO's threats do not stop IS

After more and more terrorist attacks in Europe, NATO and the West believe that more use of force is the way to go. This suggests little understanding of how organizations such as IS work.

Syria war minute by minute

New documentary explores IS's path to power in Syria – and what role international media played in it all.

The real threat to the world

They march forward on what appears to be a victory, but no one seems to understand the real danger.


Why are more and more women traveling to IS?