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The literature on narcissism has exploded

ESSAY: In 2021, there were 1000 publications on narcissism. Narcissism describes a new social normality. This 'self-realization ideology' has now ended up in selfishness and neoliberalism. But what can account for different degrees of narcissism – is it innate character traits, socialization or cultural background?

Mutual solidarity

Reciprocity: Competition and cooperation are like nature's yin and yang, claim two French biologists. Today, recent biological and psychological research on reciprocity is based on both biochemistry, game theory, empirical examination of symbiotic relationships and the new sociobiology's theories of group selection.

The competition at the bottom

The precariat consists of people forced into low-paying jobs and temporary employment, and accounts for the biggest change in the labor market in 100 years.

Marxist alienation and post-anarchism

This month, Dag Østerberg published the book From Marx' to newer capital criticism. We take the opportunity to take up Marx in a critical way – with themes such as alienation, competitive society, as well as the role of anarchism and intellectuals now.

PHOTO COMPETITION: «Welcome to Norway»

Radikal Portal and Ny Tid announce the Photo Competition: Welcome to Norway