iDEOLOGY: MODERN TIMES brings, due to today's attention to Russia, a look at the Soviet Union 50 years ago. In the book from 1972, Herbert Marcuse describes and assesses the conditions, condition and possibilities of the Soviet Union – and Soviet Marxism as an ideology.
ORIENTATION 1 MAY 1970: The world over will mark the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth. Today, Lenin is a historical leading figure for rebellious people in the world's poorest peasant countries, writes Hans Fredrik Dahl in this article, emphasizing Lenin's role as dialectical revolutionary, politician and journalist rather than theorist and philosopher.
FALSE NEEDS: Keucheyan does not want authoritarian Marxism where the bureaucracy decides what its citizens need. He also suggests that in order to reduce today's consumption, manufacturers must make products with longer life and warranty.
Only a radical abolition of the structural conditions for workers' exclusion – blacks as whites – could slow the ongoing social exclusion process in the United States, historian David Roediger claims in a new book.
How independent and critical can one be? In Part 2 of the double interview with Johan Galtung, we talk about Norway's relationship with the United States, Sweden, Muslims, anarchism and Marxism.
Redemption and Utopia tells the story of European thinkers influenced by Jewish Kabbalah, Anarchism and Marxism – a type of thinker who no longer exists.
This month, Dag Østerberg published the book From Marx' to newer capital criticism. We take the opportunity to take up Marx in a critical way – with themes such as alienation, competitive society, as well as the role of anarchism and intellectuals now.
Mao's idealistic theory that the cultural revolution is enough to abolish classes is wrong – and our left's admiration of this superficial idea can have unfortunate consequences for politics going forward, Dag Østerberg writes in this text from 1968.