DELEUZE: Gilles Deleuze's comments and analysis on Palestine are necessary: the Palestine question is still the definitive test of intellectual and political integrity.
LANYARD: What can a philosopher like French Gilles Deleuze tell us today, 42 years later, regarding Israel's treatment of the Palestinians — and settler colonialism?
WAR: Author Ketil Bjørnstad's chronicle that the war in Ukraine will get out of control has been met with criticism. Referring to Stefan Zweig, Bjørnstad asked if the war is worth the murders, bombs, mutilations and suffering. The author of this essay believes, like Bjørnstad, that there is little evidence that Zweig abandoned his pacifist position.
HEGEMONY: Will the genocide continue until the Palestinians are exterminated or forced into Egypt – or indeed until America's global hegemony is defeated? No true friend of Palestine should therefore support this hegemony's arms deliveries to Ukraine.
PALESTINE/ISRAEL: Life in Gaza is at times like reading a good novel, not least because the stories about Israel's war against ordinary Palestinians are so vividly described.
AVERAGE: What about Gaza and the media? WikiLeaks was early on an important source for revelations about Israel. The dream of driving all non-Jews out of ancient Palestine governed Israel's policy long before there was a Hamas.
50 YEARS AGO: Why has the Middle East been a powder keg for 25 years? What is the background for the irreconcilable attitude between Israel and the Arab states? And what happened to the Palestinian Arabs when the state of Israel was established?
MODERN TIMES CONVERSATIONS: We talk to the former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, the man who could have become Prime Minister of Great Britain, about current issues – such as military rearmament, Ukraine, Israel, climate justice and work, security, democracy, citizens' councils, and not least a hope for the future.
ISRAEL: When the Knesset in 2018 passed the so-called nation-state law defining Israel as a Jewish state, it undermined the legitimacy of their own state's existence as a democracy. And here the Norwegian oil fund topped the list of 725 European financial institutions that have invested in 50 companies linked to the illegal settlements on the West Bank.
EUROPE: The Lord's people not only had the world's best weapons, they also had the world's best religion. It was the whites and their self-imposed right to do whatever they wanted at the expense of others.
JENIN THEATRE: Recently many Palestinians were killed in Jenin. What does Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation entail in today's desperate situation? For The Freedom Theater in Jenin, the answer is still a cultural intifada. A performance is now being shown at the Human festival in Oslo.
SCENARIO: MODERN TIMES here tries out an imaginary scenario to compare two irreconcilable conflicts. It is up to the reader to make up their own mind as to what this might mean.
UKRAINE: Rødt's former deputy, in this longer essay, looks at the significance of International Law, not only Russia's so-called "unprovoked" violations of it, but also the West's many violations of International Law. Here follows a, seen from MODERN TIMES, timely criticism of both SV, Rødt, the left side, the media and the ongoing warmongering.
FASCISM: Nazis attacked Jews, and they were therefore characterized as anti-Semitic – the cosmopolitan identity of the despised Jews. But what about Israel, which had carried out at least 2 extrajudicial killings? Menachem Begin and his group, which Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt described as fascists and terrorists, have ruled Israel for almost 700 years.