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Totalitarianism then and now

iDEOLOGY: By agreeing on a suitable 'enemy', a disintegrated society finds coherence, energy and meaning. A totalitarian propaganda has led to the conclusion that Ukraine will now be allowed to use F-16 jets against the nuclear power Russia – with the major consequences this may entail.

The black dove of peace

BRIEFING: Here we present a unique role model in Norwegian press history.

More weapons will prolong the war

UKRAINE: There are many indications that the war in Ukraine has been provoked and desired by the USA and NATO. The mass media have turned into effective ideological institutions that perform a system-supporting propaganda function.

A mirror image of the Cuba crisis 

WEAPON SUPPORT: If the West gives more weapons to Ukraine, it only means that Russia's will continue to escalate the war. The consequence of the arms support is clear: It will not lead to Ukrainian victory, but to the destruction of Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of young Russians and Ukrainians killed.

The adaptive autocrats

AUTHORITARIAN: What happened after the height of freedom ideals, the fall of the Iron Curtain and Bill Clinton's fusion of liberal politics with market forces? Today, the Chinese's mastery of original Western technology and surveillance seems limitless.

The Chinese dream: "Our time has come."

USA / CHINA: Is the current systemic divide between the US and China insurmountable? According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: "Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should, cooperative when it can, and hostile when it has to." On the other hand, China is now led by a man who, according to book author Kevin Rudd, has considerable intellectual resources . Under his leadership, China has grown into a superpower.

Salute to murderers

Speaking of heads of state: Here are some of the darkest chapters in Norwegian press history in the intimate flirtation with fascism in the thirties – where Adolf Hitler's rise to power was welcomed. Moreover, later, a Norwegian prime minister paid tribute to Nixon, while the United States was behind abuse after abuse.

The peculiar forms of repression in the Soviet Union

iDEOLOGY: MODERN TIMES brings, due to today's attention to Russia, a look at the Soviet Union 50 years ago. In the book from 1972, Herbert Marcuse describes and assesses the conditions, condition and possibilities of the Soviet Union – and Soviet Marxism as an ideology.

We lack faith, not faith in God, but faith in the world

PHILOSOPHY: The immune democracy. According to the Italian philosopher Donatella Di Cwesare, there exists today a political culture ruled by the fear of the foreigner and the future, a sham democracy in favor of security, control and short-term competitive considerations. And those who consider themselves "liberal" today have suffered greatly in standing up to the irrational impulses and decisions that govern the market and the pursuit of short-term profit.

NATO – an alliance for the 21st century?

Military industry: NATO's new strategy document is a continuation of the neoconservative line after Anders Fogh Rasmussen's politicization of a group-run NATO 2009–2014. The new document reveals an ideological chasm between the old and the new NATO.

Who was behind the explosion of Nord Stream 1 and 2?

SABOTAGE: Earlier this summer, the US Navy participated in an exercise with underwater vessels in the area off Bornholm – where the explosions of Nord Stream 1 and 2 took place in September. What were they doing there? For Russia, the purpose of the gas pipelines was to intertwine Russia with Europe. Could the USA's motivation have been to break up this cooperation and start an economic war against Europe – as, for example, Germany has now become dependent on their LNG gas?

Nord Stream: "We should cut it off."

HISTORY: Russia and Germany (as Europe's engine) should, like the coal and steel union, be developed into a joint peace project which in the future should make war between Russia and the European powers in the west impossible. The US clearly did not want this.

All violations of international law

UKRAINE: Rødt's former deputy, in this longer essay, looks at the significance of International Law, not only Russia's so-called "unprovoked" violations of it, but also the West's many violations of International Law. Here follows a, seen from MODERN TIMES, timely criticism of both SV, Rødt, the left side, the media and the ongoing warmongering.

Norwegian intelligence: Alf Roar Berg (1933–2022)

Intelligence: We bring here aspects of the USA/NATO in connection with this obituary of Major General Alf Roar Berg, who passed away on 12 July after a long illness. For example, it emerges that in 1988, during a meeting of NATO's Intelligence Committee, the American and British heads of military intelligence claimed that a Russian attack on the West was imminent. It was a lie.

Zelensky's leadership in a new light: What is not talked about behind Putin's invasion

UKRAINE: It seems that the United States deliberately did everything to trigger a Russian invasion. Ukraine is a victim of this brutal game. For Russia, there are five very limited requirements.

New base in northern Norway directs US warplanes and nuclear submarines

BORN: Norway has received a new NATO base paid for by the US Navy. This time it is Bratland, Lurøy on the Helgeland coast, which is being built in NATO's service.