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Random House

Somewhere between popular belief and the consensus of the wise

PSYCHOLOGY If we sapiens are so wise, why are we so self-destructive? The problem of the human species is, according to Harari, a network problem. For him, populism ultimately appears much more dangerous than a global liberal elite.

The authoritarian state capitalism

CHINA: It is known that China under Xi Jinping has developed in an autocratic direction. The authors show how the effect has spread in the rest of the world.

Caste – a universal system of inequality, abuse of power and humiliation

RANK: In India it is the surname, in the USA it is the skin color which determines whether one is at the top or bottom of the caste system's ladder

Slavery belongs to history – racism is timeless

ANTIRASISM: In the 1700th century, it was profitable shop to capture people as slaves and commodities. In the 19th century, slavery was abolished. In the world of Ibram X. Kendi, captivity still exists – every time we fail to protest against racism.

Deep nostalgia on the border of utopianism

MYTHS: Brexit's defenders have created four myths – about empire pride, submission, Anglo-Saxon solidarity and xenophobia.

Confined by their own family

TRAPPED: In two autobiographies, we get to know Tara Westover and Katy Morgan-Davies, respectively, who were both brainwashed, manipulated, abused and held captive by their own family – until they finally manage to escape.

While we wait for Peterson

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life is full of contradictions and the kind of reductionism he himself warns against.  

Eight years in power

Barack Obama's eight years as America's first black president indirectly paved the way for the country's "first white" president, according to one of America's most influential African-American writers.