ANTHROPOLOGY: Arnd Schneider from the University of Oslo prescribes a new, participatory, inclusive, artistic anthropology. We choose here to present insights from the book's chapters on the interesting use of documentary for observation and interpretation in today's society.
CONFLICTS: Glenn Diesen believes it is time to look at the relationship with Russia and 'the others' – at least an attempt to observe the situation from their side. Meanwhile, the US defines 'democracy' as its 'rules-based order' – eagerly promoted with 800 US military aces around the world. A graveyard democracy, an illusion of peace.
AFRICA: What can a book say about Boko Haram or the porous border between today's Cameroon and today's Chad? Or about the pre-colonial kingdom of Kanem-Bornu?
In the worst case, the romantic view of nature can stand in the way of adaptable environmental protection work, claims environmental studies professor Douglas Spieles in a new book.
An economy where production, consumption and recycling are linked to a balanced "food chain" is the solution to the ecological crisis, according to economist Ove Jakobsen.