ADVERTISING: The documentary The Big Lie is the story of Jeremy Corbyn, Labor and the rot in British politics. Lord Keir, Keir Starmer, threw himself into the fight against his Labor predecessor with an appetite that only Stalin could display in eradicating former party veterans. And when commissioned reports about Corbyn's 'anti-Semitism' could not be confirmed, Starmer's method became to prevent direct dissemination of these. Rather, Starmer's people pulled out opportune parts which they propagandistically spread. Starmer could now become Britain's next prime minister.
Forum: Urbanism is often about building bridges and removing contradictions. Here are some examples from the World Forum in Katowice, Poland, of how cities can safeguard women's safety and security
EUROPE: Europe and EU co-operation have developed in step with society's crises and challenges. On that occasion, MODERN TIMES has asked a number of Norwegian opinion leaders questions about the future of Europe. The EU's Green Deal shows leadership on the environment and climate, in addition to digital services. We ask which areas the EU should prioritize, with appropriate political, legal or industrial initiatives and forms of cooperation.
THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL: Katharine Gun leaked information about the NSA's request to the British intelligence service GCHQ to spy on members of the UN Security Council in connection with the planned invasion of Iraq.
Notification:The treatment of Julian Assange is a legal disaster that began in Sweden and continued in the United Kingdom. If the United States manages to get Assange extradited, it could prevent the publication of information about the great power in the future.
Assange: In this interview with journalist John Pilger, he discusses the trial of Julian Asange, as well as the freedom to hold authorities accountable, the freedom to challenge, to point out hypocrisy and to protest.
Assange: "If Julian Assange is convicted, a murderous system is about to emerge right before our eyes. It will be the death knell for the freedom of the press and the legal community, ”says Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.
CHALLENGES OF EUROPE: The Brexit chaos seems to culminate in the British leaving the EU – now that the election of Boris Johnson has been postponed. Brexit is the price the British have to pay for not having had an honest discussion about immigration, multiculturalism and the British Empire. But are Britain's problems unique?
NOSTALGIC IMPERIALISM: Ny Tid is looking at two books with Boris Johnson's future policy in mind. Are selective and nostalgic dives into the history of the British Empire a good recipe for shaping politics or Britain's future post-Brexit?