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atomic bomb

Russian roulette with…

NUCLEAR WEAPONS: The experts say the danger of nuclear war has never been greater than right now. The danger of accidents, nuclear weapons going astray, cyber infiltration and misunderstandings has increased. Here comes a deep dialogue with the nuclear weapons philosophy, where intellectuals have tried to get a grip on the incomprehensible: the threat of the annihilation of the world. And what does Sergej A. Karaganov, foreign policy and military strategic adviser to Putin's government, say? Is the only thing we can do is to postpone the apocalypse, to avert it again and again?

The warlike mindset

UKRAINE: What is it about our modern way of life that promotes such hostility and military-technological "solutions"?

A militaristic elite

UKRAINE: What are the consequences of US and NATO expansion eastwards in Europe?

Realists Stanley Kubrick

He is a filmmaker who has meant a lot to many of us. In a world that is globalized and militarized, Kubrick is still relevant.

Afraid of the Iranian nuclear bomb?

The most self-evident political truth in Israel at the moment concerns Iran: Iran is Israel's deadly enemy and wants to destroy Israel – Israel must therefore destroy Iran's power first.