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Ecological and political breakdown

ENVIRONMENT: The Baltic Sea has become an unlimited landfill of deadly substances. This stems from the development and pollution of the river Oder. But what about the environmental side? The Oder Delta is a vast, cross-border network of rivers, lakes and life-giving wetlands.

Hanford: A Nuclear Graveyard

USA: Hanford is classified as one of America's most toxic sites. The author calls it a ticking bomb à la Chernobyl. This is the most expensive environmental remediation project the world has ever seen, and the most polluted place on the entire planet.

To think more coherently about the environment and the economy

GREEN GROWTH: Is it possible for a recycling to extend the life of objects and materials? And what about local circuits and small scale businesses?

Environmental scandal: Plan dumping of 30 million tonnes of mining waste in Repparfjord

While the rest of the world has discontinued dumping of mining waste in the sea, Norway is one of five ashore on the planet that continues to do so.