CONSPIRACY THEORY: When states, politicians and companies hide the facts and tell half-truths, conspiracy theories become the attempt of the powerless to understand the reality that conditions their lives – and if possible change it. Conspiracy as both a revolutionary and authoritarian tool, pandemics such as AIDS and covid19, post-truth mythologies, the US's military build-up, gold rush and deindustrialisation, al-Qaeda and UFOs are touched upon here.
AFRICA: Disruption opens up for the capitalists a new display of power and new income: People, society and nature are reduced to raw material. The author Achille Mbembe's horizon is always the widest possible – the cosmic, earth-historical and planetary. Africa, despite all harrowing problems, is being called forth as a vibrant world center that still has powers in reserve, a teeming wildlife and a wealth of cultures.
The Philippines: After six years of a political death campaign and up to 30 extrajudicial killings, the Philippines went to the polls in May. The inexplicable thing is that the Filipinos have chosen to let the Marcos era be resumed in version 000. President WW's daughter was elected to take up the post of vice-president in a race with former dictator Marcos' son.
FASCISM: This does not necessarily manifest itself through mass spectacles and revolutionary fractures, and it is not a primarily European phenomenon. But like a product of political crises in the modern capitalist states.
CHINA: On the edge of the republic, the cultural revolution and market capitalism: Beijing from Below provides a unique insight into China of today – through life stories belonging to the urban people who have not found a place in either official history or official economic progress.
EAST ASIA: Mark W. Driscoll tells, among other things, concrete stories about drunken, arrogant, hyper-violent and rape-cultivating diplomats, missionaries and businessmen.
IDEA HISTORY: Is Greece more of a cultural periphery in the Middle East than the origin of our modern democracy? Aristotle believed that the Phoenicians in Carthage, like the law – isonomia – had a better government than Athens – the so-called cradle of democracy.
NECRO STATE CITIZENSHIP: Much has been made of Trump's "beautiful" wall, but the borderland between the United States and its neighbor to the south has been militarized and cut up by fences and walls for more than a decade.
TECHNOLIBERALISM: Here are discussions on everything from the robotisation of manual labor over so-called sharing economy to artificial intelligence, automated warfare and technological emotion and sex work.
«GREEN GROWTH»: Ethnographer Gökçe Günel has followed the development of the planned carbon neutral Masdar City Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates – funded by this one of the world's most oil-dependent governments.
KVINDEKAMP: American liberal feminists love to hate Kristen Ghodsee, who rewrites the history of the women's struggle from an Eastern bloc perspective.
Feminist culture critic icon Dai Jinhua delivers cutting-edge contemporary diagnoses through film reading and historical analysis in a new essay collection.