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In search of home

PSYCHOLOGY: Do we belong where we were born and raised? Or where we chose to form new roots? Many people are drawn to authoritarian environments, where organized contempt for people drives away decency and personal responsibility. Has rootedness possibly become less attractive than rootlessness?

A renewal of the critique of ideology

ALIENATION: This little book by Rahel Jaeggi is stimulating and useful – at a time when ideology criticism and the hermeneutics of suspicion have come under pressure, among other things from people who cultivate 'presence' and the everyday. And what if our actions and institutions are emptied of meaning and go on autopilot – will we be perceived as alienated?

Hannah Arendt and the totalitarian

Social Media: While the public is a place where free individuals have the right, and perhaps also the duty, to participate in a free exchange of opinions, the social is more about herd and control. Are we now faced with a social control that does not invite disagreement and diversity, but only obedience or exclusion? The rise of the social can threaten both freedom and individuality. MODERN TIMES prints here an extract from Einar Øverenget's new book, Intoleransens intog.

The modern political lie and the political lie

ESSAY How can it be that some politicians can lie as much as they want, like President Trump, and at the same time be perceived as truthful by their constituents? We look at how the philosopher Hannah Arendt defined the difference between the traditional and the modern lie, as the difference between hiding and destroying. And how the truth can be faked because one can finger reality.

The age of panic

KATE stanza:  We humans have lost control of the development we have initiated. The catastrophe is a warning that comes too late, and the elites make themselves unresponsive to the danger signals. Can we avoid panicky escape from the common problems?

Violence is politicized, and politics becomes violence

VIOLENCE IN THEORY AND PRACTICE: The world is violent. Do we get bogged down by the rhetoric of violence?

The nature of man's blind zone

A GOOD NATURE? In the philosopher Arne Johan Vetlesen's new book, the environmental problems are a symptom that our thinking is completely wrong. May we perhaps open ourselves to the fact that everything around us is the soul?

To start all over again

PHILOSOPHY: Hannah Arendt's age-old work explores thinking, freedom, will and the future. Is there anything thought-provoking about our technologically automated communities?

Lying and truthfulness


A story of our wasted time

Existentialists stared at the emptiness in the white eye – and still tried to preserve their humanity. Göran Rosenberg reads a brilliant story about a bunch of philosophers who remain current even today.

The political potential of the vulnerability

Arendt's painful text shows us the causes of our spiritual-political crisis.

The emergence of totalitarianism

New forms of totalitarianism are very relevant today, and thus the philosopher Hannah Arendt.

Hannah Arendt: To think in dark times

"A crisis becomes a disaster only when we respond to it with preconceived opinions," said Hannah Arendt. 9. February the documentary film about the philosopher is shown at the Artists' House.

Hannah Arendt as a refugee

Hannah Arendt's acknowledgments of the escape's existential impossibility are fiery, and form a fundamental premise in the documentary about the philosopher who himself fled to Paris in a politically polarized era.