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Haymarket Books

Have we as a civilization now perhaps met ourselves at the door?

IDENTITY: Do we all have a form of doppelganger that expresses our most extreme thoughts and attitudes? In this book, Naomi Klein takes a special stand with her own people group: the Jews.

Hanford: A Nuclear Graveyard

USA: Hanford is classified as one of America's most toxic sites. The author calls it a ticking bomb à la Chernobyl. This is the most expensive environmental remediation project the world has ever seen, and the most polluted place on the entire planet.

How the great popular uprising could go so horribly wrong

SYRIA:A book about how the West stole democracy from the Arabs. It became completely grotesque when the great powers in the best colonial style began to assess the suitability of the individual peoples for independence: Syria itself ended up in category A – as suitable for independence, but Palestine ended up in category B.

Thanks, Trump

Call Them by Their True Names sheds light on the ugly truth about the reality we live in after Trump became president. Solnit calls for immediate action – before the planet burns up.

Black socialism in the United States

The United States faces the choice between socialism or barbarism.