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The good smugglers

MIGRATION: MODERN TIMES prints here an extract from Kristina Quintano's new book Smugglers or illegal immigrants?

Children on the run

On the border between Greece and Macedonia, the Al Bakri family lives in a makeshift tent camp. They have fled from the hell of the war in Syria, to the hell of refugee existence in Europe. What do you do when the only thing you own is hope?

Greece – fascism is celebrating. Norway bears heavy co-responsibility

"In Greece, everything is pretty much calm on the one-year anniversary of the military coup" (NRK).

Darkness in Greece

For the third consecutive year, thousands of refugees in Greece are meeting the coldest season without proper winter measures implemented.

When glimpses of humanity become grotesque

In this documentary, we follow three of the women in the top management of the right-wing Greek party Gyllent Daggry.

While we wait for communism

We are in the final phase of a reactionary period that has lasted for 40 years, says Alain Badiou: Soon the Communist idea will resurrect.

Greece: Bright spots in a sea of ​​misery

Across the crisis in Greece, solidarity clinics have emerged that are crucial to hundreds of thousands of Greeks.

Grass root in Greek

A solidarity network in Greece may seem optimistic – but they have no other choice.

Solidarity project starts in Norway

A broad solidarity campaign with the Greek people has got an uplifting start, according to the LO leader.

From elite politics

How has a Nazi party become so big in Greece? What makes fascism take root in some places, but not others? These were the questions Evangelos Lagos and a team of Greek scientists posed before embarking on a four-year survey of young Greeks voting Golden Dawn.