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When Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side

ETHNICITY: Maimonides is considered one of the most important Jewish thinkers ever. In his time, the relationship between the Muslim, the Arab and the Jewish was mutually enriching. Rather than viewing the relationship between Jews and Arabs in a polarized way, Maimonides' example shows that their enmity is redundant and intellectually debilitating. The conflict is not about religion, because Judaism and Islam have far too many central similarities.

The search for compromises

Judaism: Covered Up is an emotional film about a woman's inner struggle between personal choices and ultra-Orthodox Jewish tradition.

Israel is well on its way to apartheid

An Israel, now defined by the law as "Jewish," can no longer call itself democratic.

"Not many enough!"

A complex relationship over many centuries is now reflected in the recent Polish-Israeli conflict.

Looking to Israel

If you look at the number of Jews in Europe after World War II, they have dropped dramatically, including in Norway, says Conrad Myrland of Med Israel for Peace.

Atrocities grow into war

By linking old photographic references to Romania in the 1930 century with a diary from the same time, this documentary gives a shocking account of what awaited the Romanian Jews.

Gone, but missed

Redemption and Utopia tells the story of European thinkers influenced by Jewish Kabbalah, Anarchism and Marxism – a type of thinker who no longer exists.