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To look at the present as the past of the future

ACCELERATION: We have interviewed the thinker Armen Avanessian about "accelerationism" and the possibility of a new political thinking.

What is accelerationism?

Book excerpt: No serious policy in our time can remain defensive if it is to win. The reader is encouraged to see the possibilities for a liberated and solidary future in the extension of the capitalist-driven development.

A world that is subtle, beautiful, ugly and strange

ART: Does the artist today work constantly burdened by network care, communication and visibility, without producing anything truly created? Chris Kraus gives his take on what an artistic work should be.

A liberal left?

Accelerationism: Several thinkers believe that it is possible for what they call a rather complacent left to carve out a better and freer future through capitalism and technology.

Coronary vaccines: science and myths

CHRONICLE: Science has made rapid progress in producing a vaccine against Covid-19. But can vaccine programs be based on active consent and autonomous choice by citizens? And does scientific rationality now go hand in hand with creative forms of irrationality?

Why there is so much dissatisfaction in the West, and what we can do about it

Professor Paul Collier is a heavyweight. He is often mentioned in the same category as economists Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs and was once singled out as one of the heroes of the then Minister for Development Aid Erik Solheim.

David Graeber (1961–2020)

Obituary: David Graeber died recently. MODERN TIMES chooses for once to bring an obituary – here over the anarchist who wanted to change our usual notions of what is possible and impossible, right and wrong, normal and strange.

«The disciplinary community was born out of the great plague epidemics»

CONTROL: Today, millions of racialized bodies have become redundant in relation to capital's metabolism and enrolled in a digitally mediated nexus of exclusion, control, and destruction technologies. MODERN TIMES here goes into the theme via author Achille Mbembe in three articles.

Flashy Norwegian-supported consumption in Africa

CONSUMPTION AND CORRUPTION: We haven't heard much about Luanda Leaks in Norway. Perhaps because it is embarrassing that Statoil paid NOK 420 million to a non-existent research center owned by Angola's state oil company Sonangol, where Isabel dos Santos was the director until she was fired in November 2017?

USA: It's Going Down!

THE PROTESTS IN THE USA: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, LA, Louisville, New York, Miami, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Oregon, Richmond, Salt Lake City, Seattle and Washington. A response to the structural violence the poor are facing.

A woman's struggle with reality

WOMEN OF EUROPE: In our interview series with European women, Sweden's former Foreign and Vice Prime Minister Margot Wallström is the latest. She believes that we are currently living in a world of autocrats, where Nordic welfare values ​​have poor conditions.

Dormant ideological viruses

CROWN: Will a far more favorable ideological virus spread and hopefully infect us, the virus that makes us think of another society, beyond the nation-state, a society that realizes itself as global solidarity and cooperation?

Simply earthlings

Migrant: How hospitable can one be expected to be? Those who do not belong anywhere become poets, because they have to invent a new form of world citizenship, writes Alain Badiou.

Creativity, openness, style consciousness, entrepreneurial spirit, empathy and cosmopolitanism

MIDDLE CLASS: Current in these corona times is whether Reckwitz's analysis opens up a restructuring of the economy back to a "real economy" – from the cultural capitalism in which the goods promise consumers symbolic, narrative, aesthetic and ethical experiences.

The road to true anarchism

Agamben: The archeology of religion, art, politics, and capitalism is not a search for any kind of origin – but a search for a foundation that tears past notions to their roots.

Nihilism and individualism replaced with solidarity and community?

ACCELERATIONISM: For the children of the new millennium, conservatism is a dead ideology. And above neoliberalism, a new communist realism is now taking shape among young Britons.